Study Abroad with the Castle (Bader College)

Bader College has confirmed their winter & summer programs for 2022.

They are currently accepting Upper Year applications to the Bader College for these exciting programs:

Winter 2022 – Application Deadline Nov. 15, 2021

Winter General Program is a twelve-week program that gives you the change to earn 15.0 units (5 courses) towards your degree and the opportunity to conduct independent research in a graduate style learning environment. Plus, a five day/four night mid-term trips is included in your tuition, not to mention hands-on experiential learning trips for each class.

Specialized Program in International Law & Politics is a program where you will explore the players in international law, be introduced to its history, and explore specific aspects of international law, including international criminal law and law of armed conflict, examining the phenomenon of atrocity crimes and other forms of mass violence in historical and contemporary contexts.

Summer 2022 – Application Deadline April 1, 2021

Castle Summer+ is a six-week program that gives you the chance to earn 9.0 units (3 courses) towards your degree and the opportunity to conduct independent research. Plus, a three night/four day trip to London is included in your tuition.

Archaeology Fieldwork offers you an immersive way to learn the historical background on the Herstmonceux Castle estate through an on-site dig of the never-before-excavated Gamekeeper’s Lodge. Also as part of Castle Summer+, you will have the option to take an elective or an independent research course.

Interdisciplinary Studies in Global Health and Disability gives you the opportunity to earn 9.0 units in a specially-curated set of courses to broaden your scope and understanding of global health and disability studies. Engage with representatives from world-renowned agencies, explore cultural and historical sites, and take part in a multi-day mid-term trip (included in your tuition).

Field School in Medieval Theatre is an intensive three-week, 6.0-unit program, where you can explore a range of dramatic works from the Medieval period in England, research historical performance styles, visit cultural sites, and perform at England’s largest medieval festival.


The application process is quite simple. Your students can fill out the on-line application form. After they have completed the form, they need to send us a Letter of Permission for their application to be complete.

For bursary applications and financial support, please refer to our Fees and Financial Assistance page. We highly recommend that all students apply for the bursary when applying to the Bader College.

Program tuition and Fees are paid to Bader College. To learn more please contact

ACIC Symposium - October 25-26

The ACIC Symposium will explore how COVID-19 has impacted our lives both as individuals and collectively as members of the international cooperation community. The theme of this symposium, ‘From Obstacles to Opportunities: Harnessing the Momentum from a Global Pandemic to Inspire a More Resilient and Just Future,’ draws parallels to past crises and the global turning points they ushered in as we emerge from this pandemic and look to the future. Opportunities, momentum and cooperation in this transitional time will be discussed from a broad perspective of industry experts, academics and activists as speakers in this year’s Symposium.

Register for the Symposium Here

Join us for our panels and keynote as we discuss:

1) The Impact of COVID19

Our panelists will shed light on the diverse and complex realities, exacerbated by the pandemic, faced by communities locally and globally. During the pandemic, many of us have heard and highlighted change makers, activists, the development and the international cooperation sector. They have brought realities and stories to public attention that speak to the various impact of covid, creating an opportunity for change around the world. Catapulting on this, and ensuring we don’t lose momentum, our panelists will highlight various aspects of issues faced in our local and global communities, including:

  • the shadow pandemic and the ongoing and increased violence against women,

  • the increased racism against Indigenous communities, anti-asian racism, the Black Lives Matter movement and xenophobia across Turtle Island,

  • the outcome of COVID19 on systemically excluded and underrepresented individuals and communities, and the various facets that will be needed to taken into account to create positive change in our ‘new normals.’

2) The Implications of COVID19

This panel will focus on the opportunity for change COVID19 has posed to the world. Panelists will discuss:

  • lessons learnt from history, from past crises and other global turning points

  • how crises can offer opportunity for change,

  • how many of us have already begin to rethink ‘normal’ and the way forward in just, equitable and sustainable ways,

  • hopes for future health care,

  • the imbalance of power in global distribution of and access to vaccination, and how power imbalances create unjust recoveries.

  • Panelists will highlight the gaps exacerbated and revealed by the pandemic, and highlight work that has already begun to create positive change to address these gaps. They will also highlight lessons learnt from the pandemic, and engage the audience with the new ways of thinking and creative problem solving the pandemic has helped spur.

Victoria Forum Webinar - Hearing the Call: University Responses to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission

Hearing the Call: University Responses to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission

September 29th, 1pm ADT

Register here:

Canada’s dark past of residential schools and the ongoing impact on survivors, friends, family and loved ones can only begin to be resolved by all members of society coming together and creating a joint vision of reconciliation. This webinar will focus on the role of higher education in bridging this divide in our society. It will discuss the responses from higher education institutions to the Calls to Action and include a panel of university leaders to discuss the following questions:

• How have our academic institution responded to the Calls to Action from the TRC?
• What has been achieved to date?
• What are our action plans going forward and what barriers need to be overcome in order to make more progress?

Note: The University of Victoria is committed to treating personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the university’s privacy policy. The webinar service is hosted outside of Canada. You are encouraged to review the terms of service and privacy policy. By registering and / or attending the webinar, you agree to the use of

If you have any questions please contact

International Development Studies Department - upcoming events

Global Virtual Launch: The Fair Trade Handbook, September 29th, with:

Gavin Fridell (Saint Mary’s University)

Zack Gross (winner of Fairtrade Canada’s Lifetime Achievement Award)

Sean McHugh (CFTN)

Haroon Akram-Lodhi (Trent University)

Roxana Olivera (independent investigative journalist)

Monika Firl (Cooperative Coffees):


Register and info: 


Maritime Launch and Just Us! Coffee 25th Anniversary Celebration, October 1, Saint Mary’s University, with:


Gavin Fridell (Saint Mary’s University)

Nelson Camilo Melo Maya (SPP Global)

Joey Pitoello (Just Us! Coffee)

Kate Ervine (Saint Mary’s University) 


Register and info:

Fair Trade Handbook.PNG
Fair trade 2.PNG

Cultural Exchange Corner

Saint Mary’s and Kumamaoto Gakuen University have teamed up to offer a virtual conversation program called “Cultural Exchange Corner”! This is an opportunity to meet new people in Japan, share intercultural experiences, and make new friends!

Students from both institutions will be put into small groups to chat and learn from each other. Conversation prompts, intercultural training sessions, and a certificate of completion will be offered to SMU students throughout the program

To sign up, email by September 17th.

Victoria Forum Webinar

Victoria Forum Webinar
Webinaire du Forum de Victoria

Universities as 21st-century schools for democracy: Building students' civic capacity through democratic innovations
 For universities to fulfill their potential as schools for democracy and to better harness students’ passions and knowledge to address societal grand challenge, it is crucial to rethink how we involve students in university life and decision-making. Traditional methods, such as consulting elected student representatives or soliciting student feedback through self-selected consultation forums, have many merits, but also have important drawbacks. In this webinar, we will draw attention to the promises of democratic innovations such as deliberative mini-publics. We will hear from a random selection of participants in UVic's first ever deliberative mini-public that was held on campus in partnership with Government House: The Students' Dialogue on Democratic Engagement.

Date: September 16, 2021
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (PT) / 17:00 – 18:00 (GMT)

Click the link to learn more and register:

Vic For.PNG

Graduate Internship Opportunity with NASA


As part of its commitment to support the development of the next generation of space professionals in Canada, the CSA participates in the NASA I2 Project. Through its participation, the CSA may nominate highly qualified university students who may subsequently be selected by NASA to participate in internship projects along with U.S. students and students from abroad.


The Canadian Student Participation in the NASA International Internship (NASA I2) Project (summer 2022, fall 2022 & spring 2023) Announcement of Opportunity (AO) is currently open. Canadian graduate students are invited to submit their application.

Summary of key information:

Funding available (summer 2022, fall 2022 and spring 2023): Up to $8,000 for a 10-week internship (summer) and up to $11,000 for a 16-week internship (fall and spring). This funding is made available by the CSA, Mitacs and Fulbright Canada.The number of grants: Up to six (6) grants for the timeframe covered by the AO.Eligible recipients: Please refer to Section 3 of the AO.Application deadline: 13 October 2021You can access the “Canadian Student Participation in the NASA International Internship (NASA I2) Project (summer 2022, fall 2022 & spring 2023)” AO and obtain information on how to apply by clicking here.

Individual Members Public Engagement Fund - ACIC


ACIC invites individual members to apply for funding to support their involvement in training activities or conferences as they relate to gender equality and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). ACIC will provide funding of up to $200 to cover costs of registration, etc. Successful applicants will be expected to plan and organize a public engagement activity to share their learning after the event. A $100 honorarium will also be provided to successful applicants following the completion of a post-conference public engagement activity.

The conference/ training must take place before March 1, 2022, and public engagement presentation/ event must take place before March 15, 2022. 

 The public engagement activity can also be with your workplace, community, school, etc.  

To learn more and apply please visit:

Level up your Career with Youth Challenge International


You Challenge International is now accepting for their Fall internship and volunteer opportunities.

Learn about their programs at

Check out the HerStart Program:

Through our HerStart Innovate the Future program, you can help propel sustainable economic development, entrepreneurship and social impact for women and their communities in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda!


Check out these amazing 4-month HerStart E-Fellowship opportunities:

·     Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning

·     Communications & Training

·     Gender Equality & Entrepreneurship

·     Climate Action & Entrepreneurship

Virtual Fall Exchange - Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Virtual Fall Semester Exchange Opportunity


Host institution: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany


WebsiteJLU Digital Campus: Virtual International Programme (


Program: : JLU Virtual International Programme (VIP) – Fall 2021



•A unique virtual international experience at JLU

•Almost 80 online courses in different subjects taught in English, German, Croatian, Spanish and Russian for undergraduate and graduate students

•exclusive places in their online German language course for beginners

•International group work

•International collaborative teaching formats

•Transcript of Records with credit points(ECTS)

Dates: October 2021-February 2022


Credits: contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form.



SMU students pay their regular tuition to SMU for the transfer credit hours.

There may be other program/ancillary fees charged by the host institution.


Funding: Apply for the Virtual Global Learning Awards at:


If you are interested, please email or contact us virtually to ask questions about the program and/or to apply.

Join the Next cohort of Foundations of Intercultural Development with CBIE


Join the next cohort of Foundations of Intercultural Development this fall!

Course Dates:

October 4 - November 27

This eight-week, asynchronous, online course increases awareness of how cultural influences affect intercultural interactions.  This program weaves in elements of truth and reconciliation that provide participants with a better understanding of some of the impacts of colonialism on Indigenous Peoples and cultures in Canada.

To learn more and register go to:

SMU students, faculty, and staff receive the Member rates for all CBIE events, trainings, and workshops.

Youth Challenge International: Internship

Get global experience with Youth Challenge International's Innovate ME international youth internship program


Our Innovate ME program provides Canadian youth, aged 19-30, the opportunity to work virtually with global partners while gaining experience, knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a future you’ll love.


Check out these unique 4-month paid internship opportunities starting August 16:


·     Research & Grant Writing Intern

·     Communications & Digital Media Intern

·     Regional Programs Impact Intern

·     Monitoring & Evaluation Intern

·     Marketing & Digital Media Intern

·     Career Development Program Intern

·     Education Project Intern

·     Gender Equality & Education Intern

·     Digital Media & Research Intern

·     Program Support Intern

·     Program Support Intern

·     E-Learning Education Intern


Deadline to apply is July 22 but don't delay, these positions will fill quickly!


Learn more and apply now!

Virtual Exchange with University of the Arctic

Virtual Fall Semester Exchange Opportunity



Host institution: University of Arctic




Program: Circumpolar Studies Online Program


CS 100* – Introduction to the Circumpolar World

CS 311--Land and Environment of the Circumpolar World I

CS 321 -- Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I

CS 331 – Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I

ARCTIC 200 -  Arctic Indigenous Internationalism

ARCTIC301 –  Inukitut Inuit Language (limited enrollment and with permission by instructor)


*CS 100 is the prerequisite for CS 311, 321, 322, 331, and 332


Dates: September-December 2021


Credits: contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form.



SMU students pay their regular tuition to SMU for the transfer credit hours.

There may be other program/ancillary fees charged by the host institution.


Funding: Apply for the Virtual Global Learning Awards at:


If you are interested, please email or contact us virtually to ask questions about the program and/or to apply.

ACIC: Our Communities, Our Voices Call for Applicants

ACIC presents: Our Communities, Our Voices Call for Applicants



     The 'Our Communities, Our Voices' program aims to engage 24 young Indigenous leaders to share stories, knowledge, and perspectives from their own Communities. In recent years we have seen an explosion of peer-to-peer learning and online activism using social media platforms. Program participants will gain skills, knowledge, and support-systems to be advocates for their communities at a global level and have an impact on issues that matter to them. 



    Through a series of virtual and in-person workshops participants will learn how to harness the power of social media to create meaningful change. They will learn social media and marketing techniques from experts in the field and hear from community advocates and public figures on how to take advantage of these platforms. They will also build relationships with their local and global communities, as they work together to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By the end of the program, participants will launch social media campaigns to engage Indigenous communities in the SDGs and to create awareness of the powerful social movements happening in Indigenous communities!



  • Be of Indigenous Ancestry (Inuit, Métis or First Nation).

  • Identify as a woman, non-binary or two-spirit person.

  • Be between the ages of 18 – 29 (at the time of application).

  • Reside in Atlantic Canada (NS, NB, NFLD or PEI).

  • Have an interest in community engagement and developing leadership skills.

  • Be able to commit to participation between Sept 2021 – March 2022.

  • Be willing to contribute 8-12 hrs/month to program (including attending bi-weekly virtual workshops and contributing to the creation of a social media campaign).

Participants will receive a $300 honorarium following the completion of the program, including the conclusion of their social media campaign.



Applications close on July 31, 2021 (11:59pm ATL)

Virtual Exchange in Japan

Virtual Fall Semester Exchange Opportunity

Host institution: Kansai Gaidai University, Japan



Program: Asian Studies Program for Fall 2021 Semester (Home-Based)

Dates: August 30-December 21 2021

Credits: contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form

SMU students pay their regular tuition to SMU for the transfer credit hours.
Registration Fee of JPY10,000 (Approx. USD95) / person (Non-refundable). There may be other program/ancillary fees charged by the host institution.

Funding: Apply for the Virtual Global Learning Awards at:

If you are interested, please email or contact us virtually to ask questions about the program and/or to apply.

Virtual Summer Abroad Opportunity - Brazil

Virtual Summer Abroad Opportunity


Host institution: PUC-Rio, Brazil




Program: Brazilian Seminars

Module 1 - Environmental issues and energy
Module 2 - Business and Entrepreneurship




  • Brazilian Seminars course dates: July 12–23, 2021

  • Portuguese language intensive course - Part I "Survival" (20h): July 05-09, 2021

  • Portuguese language intensive course - Part II (20h): July 26-30, 2021



Credits: contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form.



SMU students pay tuition at the host institution – no additional fees are assessed by SMU for the transfer credit hours.

There may be other program/ancillary fees charged by the host institution.


Funding: Apply for the Virtual Global Learning Awards at:


If you are interested, please email or contact us virtually to ask questions about the program and/or to apply.