Remark — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Remark Test Grading

Saint Mary's University has implemented an enhanced solution for bubble sheet grading, transitioning from Scantron hardware to the advanced Remark Test Grading software. This software utilizes automated optical mark recognition for paper-based exams, optimizing the grading process for educators. The Software and Application Support (SAS) team oversees all aspects related to Remark Test Grading at the University.

Using the bubble sheets

To use this service, faculty members are required to utilize the newly introduced bubble sheets, which must be printed as opposed to the previous Scantron method. Following the completion of exams, faculty members are required to submit the bubble sheets to the Software and Application Support office, located in AT 107 within the Atrium. Our dedicated team ensures a swift turnaround, with a maximum processing time of 2-3 business days, often completing the task on the same day.

Upon scanning the bubble sheets, a comprehensive exam report will be generated and promptly emailed to the respective faculty member. This report serves as a valuable tool for reviewing and analyzing student performance. We are committed to providing a seamless and efficient grading experience in adherence to the academic standards of Saint Mary's University.

You can find the downloadable bubble sheets provided below for your convenience:

For examinations containing 50 questions or fewer, Printing the bubble sheets single-sided is required. Conversely, for assessments exceeding 50 questions, printing it double-sided is required.

You can access a sample of the generated report by the Remark Test Grading software provided below:

If you have any further inquiries or require additional support, please do not hesitate to contact the Software and Application Support (SAS) team. You can email us at or call us at (902)-496-8168.