
Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program

As part of the Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA, see here), the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program, offered in partnership with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), provides opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to pursue collaborative research in Japan.


Call for proposals:

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Japan—travel from Canada)

  • Deadline to submit: November 13, 2024

  • Level: PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Other requirements: Participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada

  • Eligible institutions: All universities and research institutes in Japan based on JSPS projects

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $3,000 CAD + 534,000 yen + flight costs

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the application portal here.


For more information please visit the Mitacs JSPS page here and the JSPS website here.


For general inquiries, please contact the SMU Global Learning Office

Call for Applications: The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund

The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is accepting grant applications until October 31, 2024. The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is an initiative that complements other existing prize funds with a seed-fund program, providing training and mentorship, and encouraging innovation and solutions on a local level.


The fund is open to any individual with an incubator-stage product or service that directly benefits the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic. We especially encourage applications from Arctic Indigenous and/or Northern-based entrepreneurs. Expected grant disbursement amounts are in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.


Visit the fund webpage here for the full application criteria and list of application documents, more information about the fund, and benefits and expectations for the awardees.


If you have any questions about applying or the fund in general, please get in touch with us at Please also inform the Global Learning Office of your proceeding with application.


Download a one-pager here

2025-2026 Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program (FMPBP) Competition

Global Affairs Canada has launched the 2025-2026 Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program (“FMPBP”) competition. This program offers grants to full-time Canadian faculty for short-term teaching and/or research activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.  

The FMPBP award is valued at CAD$7000. Recipients’ travel can occur from April 1, 2025. All funds must be expensed by March 31, 2026.

Multiple applications are allowed per institution. All applications must be submitted by the Global Learning Office through its institutional My EduCanada account.

Interested faculty should consult the FMPBP guidelines here and contact the Global Learning Office ( by Friday, October 18 2024 in order to allow enough time to prepare applications for submission by the deadline of Tuesday, November 19 at 11:59 pm EST.

The scholarship administrator will communicate successful results to Canadian institutions in February 2025.

The Globalink Research Award (GRA) thematic call is now officially open!

The themes for this year’s thematic call are: 

  1. Digital and Emerging technology (e.g. AI, Advanced Computing, Cybersecurity, Semiconductors) 

  1. Sustainability and Net Zero (e.g. Electric Vehicles, Critical Minerals, Hydrogen, Energy Transition, Oceans, Clean Technology) 

  1. Life Sciences (e.g. Biomanufacturing, Bioeconomy, Agri-Food, Agri-Tech, Health Sciences) 

  1. Humanities and Social Innovation (open category) 


Mitacs participating international partners are the following, please note they each have their own eligibility requirements: 

  • Australia: Universities Australia 

  • Brazil: Fundação Araucária Foundation   

  • Chile: Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas (CRUCH-FUDEA)   

  • France: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)   

  • France: French Embassy in Canada    

  • France: Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique (Inria)    

  • France: Université de Lorraine   

  • France: Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)   

  • Germany: Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ Helmholtz Association)   

  • Germany: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)   

  • Germany/USA/Luxembourg/Italy/The Netherlands: Max Planck Society    

  • Korea: National Research Foundation (NRF) Korea   

  • South Africa: National Research Council of South Africa (NRF SA)   

  • Taiwan: National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) - NARLabs   

  • United Kingdom: British High Commission of Ottawa   


The deadline to apply is November 20, 2024.” 


See more information here.


Interested participants should be in touch first with the Mitacs local advisor, Reid Sutherland, to assess eligibility and discuss next steps. The link to the application portal will be shared following this discussion.  


For general inquiries, please contact the SMU Global Learning Office


Call for Applications: Travel Support for Canadian UArctic Members

Saint Mary’s University is a member institution of the University of the Arctic (UArctic). UArctic is pleased to announce a call for applications under the Travel Support for Canadian UArctic Members.


This initiative aims to foster engagement and collaboration of Northern Canadians, including Indigenous peoples, within the UArctic network, with a specific focus on supporting participation and perspectives in UArctic activities and events. Priority for funding will be for Northern and Indigenous UArctic member faculty, students, community knowledge holders, Chairs and Thematic Network leads.


This program is made possible through the Global Arctic Leadership Initiative and supported by Global Affairs Canada.


The fund will provide up to $5,000 CAD in travel support to:

·        Students, faculty, and staff attending Arctic-related conferences, workshops, and meetings.

·        Institutionally-sponsored travel support for community knowledge holders.

·        UArctic Chairs and Thematic Network Leads representing UArctic at Arctic-related events.


Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed according to the following schedule:

·        April 30, 2024

·        August 31, 2024

·        December 31, 2024


To apply, please complete the application form (and inform the Global Learning Office of your proceeding with application), including a detailed budget and any supporting documentation through Memorial University’s Survey Apply system. Community member support requests must be sponsored by faculty, while student travel requests must be supported by a supervising professor.


For further inquiry, please contact the SMU Global Learning Office at Lisa Goulet is the UArctic Membership Engagement Coordinator at


All eligible members are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance collaboration and engagement within the UArctic network.


For additional information, please visit Memorial University’s UArctic Partnership website at and download the fund guide here.

Virtual learning opportunity for Fall 2024 at UArctic

Take “CS 100 – Introduction to the Circumpolar World” online through the University of The Arctic and earn transfer credits!

Course dates: September - December 2024

Credits: Up to 3 credit hours may be earned to the extent that the credits meet the student’s SMU Program requirements. Please check with your academic advisor here.

Course descriptions: see the brochure here and the UArctic website here

Pre-requisites: none

Tuition: SMU tuition paid at SMU for the transfer credit hours

Funding: $500 for Canadian undergraduate students; $1000 for Canadian undergraduate students who are Indigenous, have a disability, and/or are from a low-income background. Funding is provided by the Global Skills Opportunity Project (“GSO”).

To apply or inquire: please email the Global Learning Office ( by Friday August 30 2024!

Teach for a week in Finland and Poland (funding available)

September 2024

Calls for applications for faculty

for 1-week teaching mobility within the “Erasmus+” KA171 Int’l Credit Mobility Programme



Erasmus+ is a program created by the European Union to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe and provides a variety of funding and opportunities. This program allows institutions in Europe to collaborate with partner institutions outside Europe (i.e., Canada) to further EU’s research and innovation (see background here).

Saint Mary’s University has been successful in working with a selection of SMU’s European partner schools to secure funding for faculty mobility through a call under Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (see here). This funding will allow SMU faculty to undertake a week-long teaching sojourn at those partner institutions.

Objective and expectations of a teaching visit

For teaching mobility, a minimum of 8 hours of teaching needs to be undertaken in a 5-day period. 

It is expected that, in addition to teaching activities, there will be varying degrees of discussions related to teaching and/or research with the faculty and staff of the hosting institution during the sojourn. The overall aim of the visiting programme is to create an opportunity where you can exchange good practices and to explore ways to collaborate better with an international partner not only in your own field but also at the broader institutional level.

Teaching subject

You will first review the partner institution’s program information and ensure that the subject you would like to teach (in English) is offered at the partner school at the undergraduate and/or the graduate levels. When you apply to the SMU Global Learning Office, you will provide a brief overview of teaching activities (for 8 hours) you plan to conduct at the host institution. If your application is selected, the host institution’s relevant faculty/department will work with you to finalize the plans.

Funding and travel

Each teaching visit typically consists of 5 days of teaching at the partner institution and 2 days of travel between Canada and the host country. Funding will cover part of international travel and daily stipends (see “Current Opportunities” below). Please note: While the Erasmus+ funding is generous, the amount is typically not enough to cover all expenses. Thus, grant recipients are asked to seek additional funding from other sources as needed to cover the remainder of expenses.

The host institution will provide the mobility grant directly to the participating faculty. The host institution will explain when and how the grant is disbursed.

The faculty will make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

Current opportunities (as of September 2024)

The Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office is accepting applications from SMU faculty who are interested and available for travel between October 2024 and May 2025 to teach for a minimum of 8 hours over a 5-day period (unless specified otherwise) in a discipline offered at the partner institution. The Erasmus+ teaching grants are tenable at the following partner institutions:

1.     Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (UEWroc), Wroclaw, Poland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at UEWroc:

1800 EUR (approx. CAD$2600) for 5days of activity + 2days of travel (3 grants)

               Daily stipend of 140EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 980EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – mid-May 2025

2.     University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Jyväskylä, Finland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 6 or 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at JYU:

2260 EUR (approx. CAD$3300) for 6days of activity + 2days of travel (1 grant)

Daily stipend of 180EUR x 8 days (6 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1440EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

2080 EUR (approx. CAD$3040) for 5days of activity + 2days of travel (1 grant)

Daily stipend of 180EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1260EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – early May 2025

3.     LUT University (LUT), Lappeenranta, Finland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at LUT:

2518 EUR (approx. CAD$3800) for 5days of activity + 2 days of travel (2 grants)

               Daily stipend of 190EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1330EUR

               Travel subsidy =1188EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – early May 2025.

4.     Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (UNIPU), Croatia

No funded opportunities are available for a teaching visit at UNIPU as of Fall 2024 for the academic year 2024-25.

To apply

Interested faculty should email and include:

1.      the name of the partner institution of interest (rank if multiple)

2.      brief explanations of:

a.      your overall objectives of the mobility

b.      added value of the mobility for you, for the hosting institution, and for SMU

c.      content of the teaching program/plan

d.      outcomes and impact you hope to achieve (not limited to the number of students benefiting from your teaching activity)

3.      long-term interest in internationalization efforts in your teaching, research and service

4.      plans/ideas for sharing your experience as a source of inspiration for others upon return

5.      potential travel dates and

6.      a CV.


Application deadline

Please apply as early as possible and at least 3 months before the planned teaching activity.

The application call will remain open until all funded places are filled.


After your application is submitted

Your application will be reviewed in consultation with the partner institution, and a selection decision will be made within 2-3 weeks.  If selected, you will be asked to confirm with the Global Learning Office:

o   your plan for covering expenses beyond the value of the Erasmus+ grant

o   support of the Dep’t Chair and the Dean for your proposed activity and travel dates


Planning for your visit with the partner institution

The timing, aim and teaching content/schedule of your teaching visit will be finalized in an “Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement (Staff Mobility for Teaching)” which is signed by you, the SMU Global Learning Office and a representative of the receiving partner institution. You may be requested to submit additional supporting documents, and the host institution will let you know. The host institution will also explain how and when the grant will be given to you.

You will make your own travel and accommodation arrangements. The Global Learning Office can offer assistance as needed.

Upon completion of your mobility activity

·        Complete a post-return survey for Erasmus+

·        Complete an activity report for SMU

·        Discuss with the Global Learning Office plans for knowledge sharing with the SMU community


Any questions and concerns should be directed to, Director of Global Learning Services (Atrium Building, Room106).

Announcement from Global Affairs Canada

Global Affairs Canada has launched the 2024-2025 Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program (FMPBP) competition. This program offers grants to full-time Canadian faculty for short-term teaching and/or research activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The FMPBP award is valued at CAD$7000. Travel must occur between April 2024 and March 2025.

Multiple applications are allowed per institution. All applications must be submitted by the Global Learning Office through its institutional account.

Interested faculty should contact the Global Learning Office ( by Monday, November 20 2023 in order to allow enough time to prepare applications for submission by the deadline of Tuesday, December 5 at 11:59 pm EST.

To learn more about the program details, please consult the FMPBP guidelines.

Announcement from DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

DAAD Webinar :

Student Funding Programs for Germany in 2024-25

September 26, 2023

DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service will present a webinar on our student funding programs in support of study, research and internship opportunities in Germany on Tuesday, September 26th at 1 pm EST (10 am PST).

DAAD has programs for students in all fields of study and at all stages (Bachelor, Master's & PhD - even for recent postdocs).

Take this opportunity to learn more about the programs on offer, how to apply and get tips from staff on how you can improve your submission.


Register to attend

Click here to register to attend and receive the webinar link.


Note: the webinar will be recorded and all registrants will receive a link to this file after the session, so get your name on the list even if you can't make it in real time.


The webinars are presented free-of-charge and all are welcome.


We look forward to having you with us!


DAAD Canada

Announcement from Youth Challenge International


Youth Challenge International (YCI) has launched new positions and start dates for Canadians (citizens and permanent residents) to gain professional experience in the international development and social entrepreneurship sectors in a  HerStart Fellowship. YCI is currently recruiting for HerStart International Fellowship positions to collaborate for 3 or 6 months with our impact-driven teams in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda!  

HerStart is a YCI program providing 10,000 women in Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana with the training, tools, and funding opportunities to become social entrepreneurs.  As a key part of HerStart, Fellows have the opportunity to support YCI staff, as well as our innovative and impact-driven partner organizations in each country.  

3- and 6-month placements with start dates in January and May 2024 are now open. Positions available include:  

  • Gender Equality Fellow  

  • Climate Action Fellow  

  • Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Fellow  

  • Social Entrepreneurship Fellow  

  • Program & Partnerships Fellow  

  • Communications Fellow  

HerStart Fellows will gain hands-on professional international development experience, expand their impact-driven networks, and engage in high quality training from experts in critical topics such as gender equality, climate action and social innovation.  

HerStart International Fellows receive a holistic benefits package including pre-departure training, post-placement support, round-trip airfare, visas, health insurance, a monthly living stipend and much more.  This program is funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs.  

💡 Want to learn more about HerStart International Fellowships? 🎬 Meet our Fellows and watch videos highlighting their experience here! 

💡Curious to see what HerStart entrepreneurs are innovating? Meet Entrepreneurs from each country and watch videos showcasing their social businesses here! 

Access the full list of current HerStart Fellowship opportunities and apply today! ➡️  

An Announcement from The University of The Arctic

The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund

Applications for The Uarctic Entrepreneurship Fund are accepted until October 27 2023.

Those interested can attend a Q&A session on September 27 at 15:00 UTC (12:00 ADT). To register, click here.

To truly solve the challenges facing the Arctic, and thus the world, UArctic is committed to supporting the development of northern entrepreneurs and providing resources to help advance local ideas. The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund (click here) is a new initiative that complements existing, mature prize funds with a seed-fund program, encouraging innovation and solutions on a local level.

The fund is open to any individual with an incubator-stage product or service that directly benefits the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic. We especially encourage applications from Arctic Indigenous and/or northern-based entrepreneurs. Expected grant disbursement amounts are in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.

The pilot call for The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is open until October 27, 2023.
Visit The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund webpages for the full application criteria and list of application documents, more information about the fund, and benefits and expectations for the awardees.

If you have any questions, email the Global Learning Office ( or

Study abroad for a semester in the United States! Killam Fellowships Program 2024-25

The Killam Fellowships program is an exceptional opportunity for full-time Canadian undergraduate students to pursue an exchange program at American universities. Applicants chosen through a competitive selection process are awarded a US$6000 scholarship (approx. CAD$8100) for their exchange study in the US. For information, see the 2024-25 program flyer here and the website here.


Interested students should submit their SMU Exchange application package (see information here) to the Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office by December 15 2023.



Academic credits may be earned to the extent that they are applicable to your SMU degree. Book an advising appointment with your academic advisor to review which of the remaining program requirements may be completed on a transfer-credit basis and how the Letter of Permission Request Form works for the transfer of credits. You will pay SMU tuition at SMU for the transfer credit hours.



Contact the Global Learning Office at

An announcement from Atlantic Council For International Cooperation (ACIC)

ACIC is hosting their annual symposium ‘Cost of Change: Championing Social Justice, Health and Well-Being for All’ in PEI. Applications as well as requests for speakers and workshop proposals are now accepted as follows:


1. Applications Open | Partnership Engagement Fund

ACIC is excited to announce our new Partnership Enhancement Fund. This fund has been set up to facilitate connections and enhance relationships between ACIC member organizations and their international partners by providing travel funding for the partner to visit Atlantic Canada.

Interested in applying? Download this file here for more instructions, and apply by August 30, 2023. If you need more information or want to connect, reach out to us at


2. Request for Proposals | Host A Workshop at ACIC Symposium 2023

 ACIC Symposium ‘Cost of Change: Championing Social Justice, Health and Well-Being for All’ will explore the web of factors that shape our society, and the role money and resources play in both creating disparities and elevating poverty in the world. 

If you are interested in hosting a workshop, download this file here for more instructions and apply by August 27, 2023. If you need more information, reach out to us at


3. Want To Recommend A Speaker for the Symposium?

At ACIC Symposium 2023, we will explore the cost of change under three sub-themes:

1.     International Cooperation and the Cost of Power

2.     Climate Change and the Cost of Action

3.     Decent Work and the Cost of Exploitation

We are currently seeking speaker recommendations from our members and network. If this topic sounds of interest, and you'd like to highlight your work, or the work of someone in your network, write to us at

Announcement from Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI)

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) shares that the programmes for 2023-24 are being announced in the hybrid model. An attempt has been made to strengthen the activities and interactions of SICI-led bi-national clusters by announcing grants to organise academic activities i.e. conferences and lectures, research paper awards, and faculty mobility programmes. Programmes seeking applications are as follows (please click on each programme to access the details):

Programmes and Activities for Binational Agri- Cluster

Programmes and Activities for Binational One Health Cluster

Other Programmes


Announcement from Youth Challenge International

Through HerStart Fellowships funded by the Government of Canada,  Canadians (citizens and permanent residents) are able to meaningfully contribute their skill sets and gain dynamic, professional experience in the international development and social entrepreneurship sectors. YCI is currently recruiting for HerStart International Fellowships to collaborate with our impact-driven teams in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda. The deadline to apply for the September 2023 cohort has been extended to Sunday, June 18th

See All Opportunities

An announcement from the Japanese Consulate in Montreal

Government of Japan MEXT Scholarship Program


Every year, the Government of Japan, via the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), offers scholarships to foreign students who are interested in studying at a Japanese university. 


The Undergraduate Students Scholarship is intended for students born on or after April 2, 1999, and who’ve already completed or will have completed at least 12 years of education or a program the equivalent of Japanese Senior High School by March 2024. Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is Friday, May 26, 2023.


The Research Students Scholarship is intended for students who were born on or after April 2, 1989, and hold a bachelor’s degree, or the equivalent, in any subject. Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is Monday, May 15, 2023


Necessary information and documents are available on our website


Important notice: Depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 situation and the measures taken in response, the 2024 application cycles may be modified (schedule, procedures, etc.) or cancelled.


We invite you to discover some first-hand accounts of the MEXT Scholarship experience, as written by alumni in our jurisdiction, by accessing the Former Scholar’s Experiences page


Lastly, additional information on studying abroad is available on the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) website.

Should you have any questions about the MEXT Scholarship Program, please do not hesitate to contact the Montreal MEXT Scholarship Desk via”

Announcement from Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Lithuanian State scholarhips for Full-time Master degree studies

The Call for the year 2023 has been launched by the Educational exchanges support foundation.  Mykolas Romeris University encourages SMU students in their last year of undergraduate studies or master degree students to apply for master degree at Mykolas Romeris University and simultaniously apply for the Lithuanian state scholarhips for Full-time Master degree studies. Deadline to submit application is 22 May 2023. Candidates from SMU are welcome to consider master degrees of Mykolas Romeris University    


Funding under the Call will be provided to the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Moldova, Ukraine and foreigners of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries.

Announcement from Mitacs

Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) program February 2023 updates


New opportunity — open all year:

1. Aix-Marseille Université (France — travel to Canada and/or travel from Canada)

  • Dates: open all year

  • Level:

Travel to Canada: full-time master’s and PhD students or postdoctoral fellows

Travel from Canada: full-time senior undergraduate, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Other requirements: N/A

  • Eligible institutions: Aix-Marseille Université

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $6,000

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor


Current opportunities — call for proposals (new opportunity and reminder):

1. National Research Foundation (NRF) Korea (Korea — travel to Canada)

  • Dates: February 23, 2023 to March 23, 2023 at 5 p.m. PT

  • Level: Full-time master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All fields of Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary studies involving S&T and Humanities or Social Sciences

  • Other requirements: N/A

  • Eligible institutions: All universities in Korea

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $9,000 to $15,000 (approximately)

  • Application process and submission: Submit to NRF (website accessible from Korea only


2. Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas (CRUCH-FUDEA) (Chile — travel to Canada and/or travel from Canada)

  • Dates: January 23, 2023 to April 30, 2023 at 5 p.m. PT

  • Level: Full-time senior undergraduate, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Other requirements: N/A

  • Eligible institutions:

    • Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH)

    • Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)

    • Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN)

    • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)

    • Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM)

    • Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $6,000

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor

Announcement from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan

Two scholarship opportunities are open and available for Canadian students interested in studying in Taiwan.


  1. The Huayu Enrichment Scholarship supports students interested in studying Chinese in Taiwan on a short-term basis, ranging from three to twelve months. Students also have the option of taking a two-month summer course. Please refer to the official website  

  2. The Taiwan Scholarship supports students interested in pursuing a university degree in Taiwan. Please refer to the official website