Colombian Scholar visits SMU as part of Faculty Mobility for Partnership Program — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Colombian Scholar visits SMU as part of Faculty Mobility for Partnership Program

Saint Mary’s University is delighted to welcome Dr Victoria Eugenia Díaz Facio Lince, Professor in the Department of Psychology at Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. Dr Díaz Facio Lince is visiting Dr Andres Arteaga, Department of Languages and Cultures at Saint Mary’s University, as part of their multi-year research project titled Trauma Narratives and collective resilience among organized groups of women in Colombia after the implementation of the peace agreements between the FARC guerrillas and the Colombian government (2023 – 2026).

Dr. Díaz Facio Lince is an internationally renowned leading expert on trauma studies and mourning with 3 books on mourning and more than 20 peer reviewed papers in some of the most prestigious academic journals in psychology.  This research project is considered a foundation for the two universities’ partnership and will benefit researchers and students from Universidad de Antioquia and Saint Mary’s University.

Dr Arteaga is also planning a two-part visit with Universidad de Antioquia this year to collect data, conduct interviews and facilitate digital storytelling workshops with Dr Díaz Facio Lince. His activities in Colombia are part of the Faculty Mobility for Partnership Building Program, funded by the Canadian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (“DFATD”).

Dr Andres Arteaga (SMU) and Dr Victoria Eugenia Díaz Facio Lince (UDEA)
