Arctic — Global Opportunities — Studio for Teaching & Learning


Call for Applications: The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund

The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is accepting grant applications until October 31, 2024. The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is an initiative that complements other existing prize funds with a seed-fund program, providing training and mentorship, and encouraging innovation and solutions on a local level.


The fund is open to any individual with an incubator-stage product or service that directly benefits the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic. We especially encourage applications from Arctic Indigenous and/or Northern-based entrepreneurs. Expected grant disbursement amounts are in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.


Visit the fund webpage here for the full application criteria and list of application documents, more information about the fund, and benefits and expectations for the awardees.


If you have any questions about applying or the fund in general, please get in touch with us at Please also inform the Global Learning Office of your proceeding with application.


Download a one-pager here

Call for Applications: Travel Support for Canadian UArctic Members

Saint Mary’s University is a member institution of the University of the Arctic (UArctic). UArctic is pleased to announce a call for applications under the Travel Support for Canadian UArctic Members.


This initiative aims to foster engagement and collaboration of Northern Canadians, including Indigenous peoples, within the UArctic network, with a specific focus on supporting participation and perspectives in UArctic activities and events. Priority for funding will be for Northern and Indigenous UArctic member faculty, students, community knowledge holders, Chairs and Thematic Network leads.


This program is made possible through the Global Arctic Leadership Initiative and supported by Global Affairs Canada.


The fund will provide up to $5,000 CAD in travel support to:

·        Students, faculty, and staff attending Arctic-related conferences, workshops, and meetings.

·        Institutionally-sponsored travel support for community knowledge holders.

·        UArctic Chairs and Thematic Network Leads representing UArctic at Arctic-related events.


Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed according to the following schedule:

·        April 30, 2024

·        August 31, 2024

·        December 31, 2024


To apply, please complete the application form (and inform the Global Learning Office of your proceeding with application), including a detailed budget and any supporting documentation through Memorial University’s Survey Apply system. Community member support requests must be sponsored by faculty, while student travel requests must be supported by a supervising professor.


For further inquiry, please contact the SMU Global Learning Office at Lisa Goulet is the UArctic Membership Engagement Coordinator at


All eligible members are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance collaboration and engagement within the UArctic network.


For additional information, please visit Memorial University’s UArctic Partnership website at and download the fund guide here.

Virtual learning opportunity for Fall 2024 at UArctic

Take “CS 100 – Introduction to the Circumpolar World” online through the University of The Arctic and earn transfer credits!

Course dates: September - December 2024

Credits: Up to 3 credit hours may be earned to the extent that the credits meet the student’s SMU Program requirements. Please check with your academic advisor here.

Course descriptions: see the brochure here and the UArctic website here

Pre-requisites: none

Tuition: SMU tuition paid at SMU for the transfer credit hours

Funding: $500 for Canadian undergraduate students; $1000 for Canadian undergraduate students who are Indigenous, have a disability, and/or are from a low-income background. Funding is provided by the Global Skills Opportunity Project (“GSO”).

To apply or inquire: please email the Global Learning Office ( by Friday August 30 2024!

An Announcement from The University of The Arctic

The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund

Applications for The Uarctic Entrepreneurship Fund are accepted until October 27 2023.

Those interested can attend a Q&A session on September 27 at 15:00 UTC (12:00 ADT). To register, click here.

To truly solve the challenges facing the Arctic, and thus the world, UArctic is committed to supporting the development of northern entrepreneurs and providing resources to help advance local ideas. The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund (click here) is a new initiative that complements existing, mature prize funds with a seed-fund program, encouraging innovation and solutions on a local level.

The fund is open to any individual with an incubator-stage product or service that directly benefits the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic. We especially encourage applications from Arctic Indigenous and/or northern-based entrepreneurs. Expected grant disbursement amounts are in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.

The pilot call for The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund is open until October 27, 2023.
Visit The UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund webpages for the full application criteria and list of application documents, more information about the fund, and benefits and expectations for the awardees.

If you have any questions, email the Global Learning Office ( or

Virtual Exchange with University of the Arctic

Virtual Fall & Winter Semester Exchange Opportunity is offered by University of The Arctic. It’s called the Circumpolar Studies Program The course descriptions are found at

Courses offered in Fall 2023

CS 100 – Introduction to the Circumpolar World

CS 311--Land and Environment of the Circumpolar World I

CS 321 -- Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I

CS 331 – Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I


Courses offered in Winter 2024

CS 100 – Introduction to the Circumpolar World

CS 312 – Land and Environment of the CW II

CS 322 – Peoples and Cultures of the CW II

CS 332 – Contemporary Issues of the CW II


The Circumpolar Studies core courses have the following prerequisite requirements:

-        CS 100 is the prerequisite for CS 311, 321, 322, 331, and 332

-        CS 100 and CS 311 are the prerequisites for CS 312


SMU tuition is paid at SMU for the transfer credit hours.


Academic credits may be earned to the extent that the credits meet the student’s program requirements. Please contact the academic advising office


Funding is available.


Interested students should email by July 15 2023.


The Symposium will take place at the Residence Palace, located at Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 155, 1040 Brussels, Belgium.

This year's Symposium will focus on:

  • Evolving Arctic Governance

  • Arctic Cooperation in the Current Geopolitical Climate

  • The Evolving Role of Arctic Stakeholders

  • Arctic Energy and Resource Security

  • Arctic Research Cooperation in the Current Geopolitical Climate

  • Arctic Innovation

  • The Arctic as an Attractive Place to Live and Work

The Arctic Futures Symposium promises to deliver lively discussions on Arctic issues.

You may register for the symposium on the Arctic Futures Symposium website.

You may also have a look at the confirmed speakers.

A detailed programme outline will be published soon.

Please don't hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions about the event, or if you have difficulties registering.

Mohn Prize 2022 – Call for nominations


UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Academia Borealis - The Academy of Sciences and Letters of Northern Norway, and Tromsø Research Foundation welcome nominations for The International Mohn Prize for Outstanding Research Related to the Arctic (The Mohn Prize).

The Mohn Prize, which carries a cash award of 2 million NOK (approximately 195 000 €), is awarded biennially. 

The prize is awarded to an individual or to a research group who has published excellent research related to the Arctic, who holds a leading position internationally in his/her/their field of research, and who has brought to light groundbreaking new knowledge related to nature and/or culture in the Arctic.

Nominees for the prize will be evaluated by an international scientific committee.

The recipient of the Mohn Prize will be announced in October 2021, and the award ceremony will take place in Tromsø in early 2022.

We hereby invite you (or your society or institution) to nominate candidates for the Mohn Prize 2022.

Nominations should be submitted using the nomination form available at

The deadline for nominations is the 31st of July 2021.

Virtual Exchange in Circumpolar Studies, Fall 2020


Take classes online with University of The Arctic this Fall!

Dates: Fall 2020 (September-December)

Course offerings:

CS 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar WorldCS 311 -- Land and Environment of the Circumpolar World I

CS 321 -- Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I

CS 331 – Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I

ARCTIC200-Indigenous Diplomacies and International Relations in the Arctic

ARCTIC301-Advanced Inuktitut: Inuit Language


Tuition: SMU tuition is paid at SMU for the transfer credits.

Credits: The courses are delivered online and each course is worth 3 credit units at most North American institutions. The language of instruction is English, except for the Advanced Inuktitut Inuit Language Course. Credits are transferrable as applicable to the student’s program requirements. Contact the academic advising office and ask about how to obtain approval via the Letter of Permission.

Application: Email to express interests in the program and inquire about the application process.