Global Ambassadors — Studio for Teaching & Learning

The Global Learning Ambassadors Program

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The Innovation Fund - Universities Canada

As part of Canada’s International Education Strategy 2019-2024, Universities Canada launched the innovation fund  within Canada’s new Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program through which Canadian universities were invited to submit up to two applications for small grants for innovative outbound student mobility projects. The aim of these funds is to test new tools and approaches, help institutions adapt mobility programming to a COVID-19 environment and build the foundation for the launch of the full program.

Intercultural Learning for Students by Students

A application to the Innovation fund was prepared by the Studio for Teaching and Learning with the Global Learning and Intercultural Learning office leading the initiative. The application was successful, and a grant valued at $25,000 will support a project titled “Intercultural Learning for Students by Students”. It is a peer support project which will provide all students, but in particular those with disabilities and of indigenous backgrounds, with intercultural competency and access to international opportunities. The immediate outcome is expanded knowledge of complex intercultural relations and one’s place in the fabric of diverse people. Furthermore, inspired by curiosity and interest for lifelong learning, the participants will be equipped with the skills and aptitude to act as a socially responsible participant in Canada’s future economy.

Their Work

Check out the picture below to see some of their projects, lessons learned, and community outreach. Hover over the pictures for descriptions of their work.

Meet the GSO Ambassadors

After the Innovation Fund Project (2020-21) was concluded, Saint Mary’s University was successful in receiving new funding for the 2021 Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) Project, “Spring Abroad: Global learning for a pluralistic society”, and the 2023 GSO Project, “International Field Schools: Learning the way of Pluralism by doing”.

As a result, in February of 2023 the Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office put out a call to hire 17 students to serve as Global Skills Opportunity Ambassadors. They were tasked with reviewing existing programs, partnerships, and policies, and then making recommendations to create inclusive and accessible experiences for future study abroad participants. At the same time, the Ambassadors are also expanding their knowledge and skills in the complexities of Intercultural development, in theory and practice, through workshops, conferences, and research. In summer 2023, 10 GSO Ambassadors have returned to the Global Learning Office to continue their work in improving accessibility and intercultural competencies. Click the pictures below to read the Ambassadors’ biographies.

This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program.