Participating in an international exchange program is much easier when you’re financially prepared. As a Saint Mary’s student thinking of studying abroad on exchange, field study course or departmental program, be sure to take time to explore your funding options before you leave.

Global Learning Awards

The Global Learning Office currently have 3 awards available to students. Click each link below to learn more about the opportunity:

Global Learning Awards can be applied to the following opportunities:

  • Exchange/Study abroad for academic credit (semester, full year, or summer sessions)

  • International field courses

  • Group training internationally

  • Language training outside of Canada

  • Volunteer placements that are recognized as part of an academic credit program

Three Awards, One Application

Students will submit one application to apply for all three awards. Eligibility for each award will be accessed based on responses given. Learn more about applying for the SMU Global Learning Awards here: Global Learning Awards Application Toolkit. Complete your application here:


Students are recommended to submit their funding applications by the following dates, based on when their international activity is expected to take place:

September 15 for international learning activities commencing in October-March.

March 15 for international learning activities commencing in April-September.

Applications for activities that fall outside of the above will be considered on an individual basis.

Other Award Opportunities

Global Mobility Awards

The Global Mobility Awards are a financial support program established by the Global Learning & Intercultural Support Office and provide funding for international learning activities for which academic credit/recognition is given.

Registered full-time and part-time Saint Mary's University students in their undergraduate and graduate studies are eligible to apply for an award. Awards will not be granted for attendance or participation at international conferences.

  • Faculty / Discipline: All

  • Value: approx. $500-$1000 per award

  • Number of Awards: Multiple

Summerby-Murray Global Learning Award

The purpose of the Summerby-Murray Global Mobility Award is to encourage global mobility for students at Saint Mary’s University as part of their intercultural learning experience. The recipient will be a current student in good standing and participating in an approved study abroad opportunity with Saint Mary's University. The award will help fund their travel and intercultural learning expenses. The recipient will have demonstrated financial need. Selection of recipient will be done by the International Mobility Awards Selection Committee.

Faculty / Discipline: All

Value: $1000 annually

Number of Awards: One

Michael Brown International Mobility Award

The Michael Brown International Mobility Award will be given annually. The recipient will be a current student in good standing and participating in an approved study abroad opportunity with Saint Mary's University.

Faculty / Discipline: Open to students in any field of study. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Sobey School of Business who are from the Atlantic Canada Region.

Value: $750

Number of Awards: One

Other Funding Sources at SMU

Saint Mary’s University offers a number of awards and grants that support international experiences.

Financial Need-Based Bursaries

Questions regarding scholarships, awards, and bursaries should be directed to the Financial Aid & Awards Office. Visit their website or email

Accessibility Travel Bursaries

Inquiries should be directed to the Fred Smithers Centre (

SMUSA Experiential Learning Fund

Inquiries should be directed to SMUSA.

FGSR Conference Travel Funds (for graduate students)

For details, see the funding form [PDF]. Please contact FGSR for details at

FGSR International Travel Funds for Graduate Student Thesis Field Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities (for graduate students)

For details, see the funding form [PDF]. Please contact FGSR for details at

Accessibility Travel Bursaries for the Fred Smithers Centre students

Inquiries should be directed to

Partner Funding

For your Study Abroad Experience in the USA:

Killam Fellowships Program

Eligibility: Canadian Citizen; Full-time undergraduate student in good standing; English proficiency

Application deadline: December 15, by listing a Killam Fellowship Consortium partner schools in the USA as one of your top three preferred study destinations in your SMU Exchange application.

Award value: US$6000

Universidad de La Sabana

Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, is a partner institution of Saint Mary’s University and offers scholarships for SMU exchange students. The scholarship consists of a monthly allowance of COP $1,500,000  (approx. CAD$520) for 4 months. To apply, list Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, as one of the top three preferred exchange program destinations in the SMU Exchange Application. To find out more about study possibilities at Universidad de La Sabana, please see the factsheet.

For your Study Abroad Experience in Asia:

Beijing Normal University (BNU)-Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Full-Year Exchange Program

Apart from having two semesters in Hong Kong, students are given the option to spend the first semester in Hong Kong and the second one on their Zhuhai campus, called “BNU-HKBU United International College (UIC)” which was co-founded with Beijing Normal University.

For Full Academic Year Exchange students who spend a semester at BNU-HKBU-United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai, China, students are accommodated in the Student Hostel Cultural Village on campus for FREE of charge. UIC provides shared rooms (2/3/4 beds) to all students. For information about the HKBU Extended Study Programme, see here. Questions? Email

For your Study Abroad Experience in Europe:

Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Program

Erasmus+ is a program created by the European Union to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe and provides a variety of funding and opportunities. This program allows institutions in program countries (EU countries and others in Europe) to collaborate with institutions in partner countries elsewhere (i.e., Canada) to secure mobility funding to further EU’s research and innovation (

Due to concerted efforts of Saint Mary’s University and its partner institutions in Europe, funding has been secured for Saint Mary’s students to undertake semester exchanges at the partner institution.  

Eligibility: Same as the international exchange program. See “Am I eligible” in

Application deadline: February 10 annually, by listing an Erasmus+ partner school as one of your top three preferred study destinations in your SMU Exchange application.

2023/24 Erasmus+ Partner Schools:

  • University of Jyväskylä, Finland (two grants, for fall 2023 or winter 2024)

Award value: 4420 euros for one semester tenable at designated Partner School


Baden-Württemberg Scholarship

Eligibility: Same as the international exchange program. See “Am I eligible” in

Application deadline: February 10 annually, by listing Konstanz University of Applied Sciences as one of your top three preferred study destinations in your SMU Exchange application.

Award valued: 4500 EUR for one semester tenable at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Germany (one grant annually)


Lithuanian state scholarships for short-term mobility

Eligibility: Same as the international exchange program. See “Am I eligible” in Open to SMU students who are citizens of the following countries:

• The Eastern Partnership Countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia.
• ASEM Countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, China, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
• Lithuania priority export market countries: the USA, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Turkey, South Africa Republic.

Application deadline: February 10 annually, by listing Mykolas Romeris University as one of your top three preferred study destinations in your SMU Exchange application.

Award value: 490 EUR per month for one semester or two semesters tenable at Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

External Funding Sources

A number of external organizations offer funding that Saint Mary’s University students and faculty can apply for. For example, the Government of Canada has a listing of international scholarships for graduate study and research abroad. Some partner institutions also offer financial support to Saint Mary’s exchange students.

Contact Us:

Phone: 902-496-8725
Fax: 902-420-5530
Office: Atrium 106

The Global Learning and Intercultural Learning Office staff are working on campus and virtually. Meetings times are available both online and in-person by request.