Finland — Global Opportunities — Studio for Teaching & Learning


Teach for a week in Finland and Poland (funding available)

September 2024

Calls for applications for faculty

for 1-week teaching mobility within the “Erasmus+” KA171 Int’l Credit Mobility Programme



Erasmus+ is a program created by the European Union to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe and provides a variety of funding and opportunities. This program allows institutions in Europe to collaborate with partner institutions outside Europe (i.e., Canada) to further EU’s research and innovation (see background here).

Saint Mary’s University has been successful in working with a selection of SMU’s European partner schools to secure funding for faculty mobility through a call under Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (see here). This funding will allow SMU faculty to undertake a week-long teaching sojourn at those partner institutions.

Objective and expectations of a teaching visit

For teaching mobility, a minimum of 8 hours of teaching needs to be undertaken in a 5-day period. 

It is expected that, in addition to teaching activities, there will be varying degrees of discussions related to teaching and/or research with the faculty and staff of the hosting institution during the sojourn. The overall aim of the visiting programme is to create an opportunity where you can exchange good practices and to explore ways to collaborate better with an international partner not only in your own field but also at the broader institutional level.

Teaching subject

You will first review the partner institution’s program information and ensure that the subject you would like to teach (in English) is offered at the partner school at the undergraduate and/or the graduate levels. When you apply to the SMU Global Learning Office, you will provide a brief overview of teaching activities (for 8 hours) you plan to conduct at the host institution. If your application is selected, the host institution’s relevant faculty/department will work with you to finalize the plans.

Funding and travel

Each teaching visit typically consists of 5 days of teaching at the partner institution and 2 days of travel between Canada and the host country. Funding will cover part of international travel and daily stipends (see “Current Opportunities” below). Please note: While the Erasmus+ funding is generous, the amount is typically not enough to cover all expenses. Thus, grant recipients are asked to seek additional funding from other sources as needed to cover the remainder of expenses.

The host institution will provide the mobility grant directly to the participating faculty. The host institution will explain when and how the grant is disbursed.

The faculty will make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

Current opportunities (as of September 2024)

The Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office is accepting applications from SMU faculty who are interested and available for travel between October 2024 and May 2025 to teach for a minimum of 8 hours over a 5-day period (unless specified otherwise) in a discipline offered at the partner institution. The Erasmus+ teaching grants are tenable at the following partner institutions:

1.     Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (UEWroc), Wroclaw, Poland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at UEWroc:

1800 EUR (approx. CAD$2600) for 5days of activity + 2days of travel (3 grants)

               Daily stipend of 140EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 980EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – mid-May 2025

2.     University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Jyväskylä, Finland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 6 or 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at JYU:

2260 EUR (approx. CAD$3300) for 6days of activity + 2days of travel (1 grant)

Daily stipend of 180EUR x 8 days (6 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1440EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

2080 EUR (approx. CAD$3040) for 5days of activity + 2days of travel (1 grant)

Daily stipend of 180EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1260EUR

               Travel subsidy =820EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – early May 2025

3.     LUT University (LUT), Lappeenranta, Finland

Disciplines offered: see here

Activity type: Teaching mobility (8 hours over 5 days)

The amount and number of available Erasmus+ grants to teach at LUT:

2518 EUR (approx. CAD$3800) for 5days of activity + 2 days of travel (2 grants)

               Daily stipend of 190EUR x 7 days (5 days of stay plus 2 days for travel) = 1330EUR

               Travel subsidy =1188EUR

Travel must take place during the host institution’s academic terms: Oct 2024 – early May 2025.

4.     Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (UNIPU), Croatia

No funded opportunities are available for a teaching visit at UNIPU as of Fall 2024 for the academic year 2024-25.

To apply

Interested faculty should email and include:

1.      the name of the partner institution of interest (rank if multiple)

2.      brief explanations of:

a.      your overall objectives of the mobility

b.      added value of the mobility for you, for the hosting institution, and for SMU

c.      content of the teaching program/plan

d.      outcomes and impact you hope to achieve (not limited to the number of students benefiting from your teaching activity)

3.      long-term interest in internationalization efforts in your teaching, research and service

4.      plans/ideas for sharing your experience as a source of inspiration for others upon return

5.      potential travel dates and

6.      a CV.


Application deadline

Please apply as early as possible and at least 3 months before the planned teaching activity.

The application call will remain open until all funded places are filled.


After your application is submitted

Your application will be reviewed in consultation with the partner institution, and a selection decision will be made within 2-3 weeks.  If selected, you will be asked to confirm with the Global Learning Office:

o   your plan for covering expenses beyond the value of the Erasmus+ grant

o   support of the Dep’t Chair and the Dean for your proposed activity and travel dates


Planning for your visit with the partner institution

The timing, aim and teaching content/schedule of your teaching visit will be finalized in an “Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement (Staff Mobility for Teaching)” which is signed by you, the SMU Global Learning Office and a representative of the receiving partner institution. You may be requested to submit additional supporting documents, and the host institution will let you know. The host institution will also explain how and when the grant will be given to you.

You will make your own travel and accommodation arrangements. The Global Learning Office can offer assistance as needed.

Upon completion of your mobility activity

·        Complete a post-return survey for Erasmus+

·        Complete an activity report for SMU

·        Discuss with the Global Learning Office plans for knowledge sharing with the SMU community


Any questions and concerns should be directed to, Director of Global Learning Services (Atrium Building, Room106).

[Summer Program] LUT University Summer School 2024 in Finland

[Summer Program] LUT University Summer School 2024 in Finland

June 24-July 12, 2024

LUT University would be pleased to welcome Saint Mary’s University students to LUT Summer School to take part in their contemporary studies and experience the beauty of Finland in the summer! The LUT Summer School is a three-week academic event offering intensive courses at Master's- and Bachelor´s-level classes in sustainability, climate action, marketing, management, and inventive thinking.


About LUT University

LUT University is located in Lappeenranta, a city in southeastern Finland. “LUT University is one of the top 350 universities in the world. Recently LUT was also ranked among the top 11 best small universities across the globe. The LUT

community shares a certain attitude and state of mind. We do things differently. We look at things from unexpected perspectives, we question, and we search for solutions. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. We are one of the world’s top 10 universities for climate action.”


General information about LUT Summer School:

See the program website here


LUT Summer School offers an updated and exciting programme with focus on Climate Change, Sustainability, Creativity, Combination of Business and Technology. LUT also offers to study their MOOC courses in the field of Climate Change free of charge to get familiar with how to study in LUT University before coming to LUT Summer School.


Course information

You can take a single course or combine the courses, provided that the schedules do not overlap and the prerequisites for attendance are met.


Week 1, 24−28 June 2024:

· Critical Issues in International Business and Entrepreneurship – anticipating global challenges managerially and entrepreneurially (suitable for postgraduates;

Pre-requisites: No formal prerequisites. Previous courses in entrepreneurship, international business and management are beneficial but not mandatory.

· Systematic Creativity and TRIZ Basics (suitable for postgraduates);

Pre-requisites: Preferably, students of engineering major or bachelor’s degree in non-technical studies.


Week 2, 1-5 July 2024

· Globalizing business: How to become a global company? (suitable for postgraduates)

Pre-requisites: Previous studies in international business (e.g. Introduction to International Business or International Business Strategy)

· Climate Action – Advanced Seminar Workshop Course (suitable for BSc and MSc students)

Pre-requisites: Previous LUT organized Climate Action MOOC-courses (Power to X Modules, Sustainable design and production Modules, Solutions for Carbon Neutral Transport Modules)


Week 3, 8-12 July 2024

· Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship in New Product Development (suitable postgraduates)

Pre-requisites: previous studies in business recommended.

· Sustainability transition of food systems (suitable for BSc, MSc)

Pre-requisites: No formal prerequisites. Previous courses in social sciences are beneficial but not mandatory.


Fees and costs

SMU students pay SMU tuition at SMU via the banner account. The amount of SMU tuition is determined based on the number of transfer credit hours earned from the program. The host university will not charge a separate tuition fee.


Accommodation fee in Lappeenranta Student Housing Foundation (LOAS) apartments: 1 week EUR 130, 2 weeks EUR 240, 3 weeks EUR 340 + EUR 40 LOAS office fee.


All summer school students can join an extracurricular trip to the Finland's Lakeland region. We'll admire the stunning nature around the lake Saimaa and connect in fun activities in the Saimaa Geopark. More details are here The fee is EUR 210 which includes all activities, accommodation, local transportation, all meals and water.


Cancellation policy: The LUT Summer School will retain a document processing fee of EUR 70. After 31 May 2024 the fee is non-refundable.


Students will also be responsible for international travel, insurance, $100 study abroad admin fee and personal expenses.



Students requiring a visa should apply for a tourist visa by contacting the nearest Embassy of Finland or consulate. For the visa application, the student has to provide a formal Certificate of Admission. As the Certificate of Admission is only issued on receipt of full payment.


Where to apply for visa to Finland: Finland is represented by Switzerland.


Consulate General of Switzerland
1572 Av. Dr Penfield
Montréal, QC, H3G 1C4

For information on Application for Schengen visa and procedure, visit:


Transfer credits:

Students may be able to earn credits to the extent that those credits are applicable to the program requirements of your SMU degree. Please meet with your academic advisor of your program to see if any of your remaining degree requirements can be completed at another university. If your advisor confirms that there is room for transfer credits in your degree, you will request approval to take courses for transfer credits by submitting a Letter of Permission Request Form (found here for graduate students or here for undergraduate students) to the SMU Records Office as soon as your acceptance is confirmed.





How to apply:

Interested students should submit the SMU Exchange Program application* by February 29 2024 to the Global Learning Office.


*To complete your application, you will:

  1. fill out your Study Abroad Application (

  2. write a one-page letter of intent (Tip: book an appointment with The Writing Centre or ask if personal statement workshops are coming up

  3. print in pdf your unofficial transcript from banner and

  4. prepare your resume.

Once you have all four pieces of application documents, upload them at the application link here


In addition to the above, please have two letters of reference emailed to At least one letter needs to be written by your Saint Mary’s course instructor.

If you want to know more about what should be included in your letter of intent, or if your professor would like to know what to include in their reference letter, please refer to the Study Abroad Information Package found here


What happens after you apply?

If you are selected, you will be nominated to the host university by the SMU Global Learning Office, and the rest of the pre-departure steps will be explained.



Email the Global Learning Office at

[Summer Program] The 32nd Jyväskylä Summer School

7 – 18 August 2023
University of Jyväskylä


Do you want to boost up your academic knowledge of STEM - science, technology, engineering, mathematics - during the summer break, and create scientific networks and memories? Jyväskylä Summer School offers you a unique academic and cultural journey that gives you the opportunity to challenge yourself and develop your skills in your field of interest. You also get the chance to spend time in an international science community.

Jyväskylä Summer School, organized at the University of Jyväskylä this year for the 32nd time, offers courses for advanced Master’s students, PhD students and post-docs in various fields of natural sciences, mathematics and information technology. All courses are taught in English by distinguished researchers from all over the world. Thus, the programme provides students with an excellent opportunity to participate in a large number of courses and benefit from high-quality interdisciplinary teaching. Participation in all Summer School courses is free of charge. Students from all over the world are encouraged to apply.

Two larger themes are represented in the courses of the 32nd Jyväskylä Summer School:

  • Quantum Phenomena in Molecules and Materials

  • Digital Society and Digitalization

Courses are offered in the following subjects:

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences

  • Chemistry

  • Cognitive Science

  • Computational Sciences

  • Information Systems

  • Mathematics

  • Nanoscience

  • Physics


Please see the bottom of the message for a complete list of courses offered. JSS32 offers courses in person, in hybrid mode, and online. The study mode of each course is marked in the course descriptions, which are available on our website


Participation in all Summer School courses is free of charge. Participants are responsible for covering their own meals, accommodation and all costs related to travel as well as possible visa costs.

More information:
Course programme, application instructions, practical info:  
Facebook event:

Deadline for applications is 30th of April 2023!

For any further questions please do not hesitate to contact

Courses offered in 7 – 11 August 2023:

  • PH1/NANO2: Emergent Quantum Matter in Artificial Two-Dimensional Materials (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • PH2: Analysis with Electromagnetic Calorimeters (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • MA1: Introduction to Harmonic Measure

  • MA2: On the Geometry of Rectifiable and Purely Unrectifiable Subsets of a Metric Space

  • NANO1/CH2/PH3: Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Phenomena, Measurements and Data Analysis Methods

  • COG1: Fundamentals of Inclusive and Accessible Design of Technology

  • IS1: Topical Course on Digital Services (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • IS2: Digital Service Transformation (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

Courses offered in 14 - 18 August 2023:

  • BIO1: Planetary Well-being: Achieving Sustainability and Good Life for Humans and Nonhumans

  • BIO2: Bioinformatics for Microbiome Research

  • CH1: Molecular Electrochemistry

  • PH1/NANO2: Emergent Quantum Matter in Artificial Two-Dimensional Materials (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • PH2: Analysis with Electromagnetic Calorimeters (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • MA3: Optimal Stopping and Free-Boundary Problem

  • COM1: Collective Decision Making

  • COG2: Accessible Visualizations: Conveying Information Across Sensory Modalities Hands-on Lab

  • IS1: Topical Course on Digital Services (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

  • IS2: Digital Service Transformation (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

[Summer Program] International Summer School in Human Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland: 22 May - 9 June 2023

The University of Jyväskylä is pleased to welcome you to our 19th International Summer School in Human Sciences in May-June 2023. The Summer School in Human Sciences comprises of 14 interdisciplinary courses for undergraduate and/or graduate students interested in e.g. language and culture studies, communication, education, music, sport and health sciences, business and marketing and social sciences.

The summer school of 2023 will be held as a physical event on campus. The University of Jyväskylä constantly monitors the Covid-19 pandemic situation and is prepared to make changes and adjustments to the programme if necessary. You can also check our website for any updates:

Courses available:

Week 1 (May 22 – May 26 2023)

·         Finnish Language and Culture

·         Visual Communication as a Way to Improve Working Life Skills

·         International Summer School in Sport Event Management

·         Current Perspectives on New Business Development and Corporate Entrepreneurship

Week 2 (May 29 – June 2 2023)

·         Education in Finland

·         Social Marketing

·         Nordic working life model: past, present and the future of work in light of institutional theories

·         Music, Mind & Well-being

·         Digital Business Strategy


Week 3 (June 5 – June 9 2023)

·         Multilingual Communication in Multicultural Teams

·         Mindfulness in the Modern World

·         Doing business in Finland, in Chile and in Peru – similarities and differences in business environment

·         Introduction to Intercultural Communication

·         Physical activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion - International Perspectives

Course descriptions  


How to apply?

Interested students should submit the SMU Exchange Program application by February 15.



SMU students pay SMU tuition at SMU for the transfer credit hours. Students are expected to pay for their travel to and from Jyväskylä as well as living expenses and accommodation while in Jyväskylä. Small participation fees may be collected for individual events of the social programme.


Contact your academic advisor to find out how many credit hours you can earn from the program and to learn how to complete the Letter of Permission Request Form.


Teaching staff

The teaching staff of the Summer School consists of professors, researchers and experts from the University of Jyväskylä and from partner universities.


Arrival service and student tutors
Summer School participants arriving from abroad are assisted by student tutors (fellow students of the University of Jyväskylä). The student tutors will help international Summer School participants with practical matters and finding their way around Jyväskylä.


Free time programme
The summer school offers an extensive free time programme, which allows participants to get to know Jyväskylä and the Finnish summer, as well as their fellow students. The programme includes various activities such as cultural evenings, get-togethers, excursions, Finnish sauna evenings, picnics etc. The social programme is mainly free of charge.



The summer school has reserved a tentative quota of rooms for summer school students. Detailed information about accommodation during the summer school, reservation and payment instructions will be sent to students who have been granted admission to the Summer School. Information about accommodation options is available on the accommodation website:


[Summer Program] LUT Summer School at LUT University, Finland



What about travelling to Finland for LUT Summer School and gaining a deep understanding of contemporary, relevant topics in the field of Climate Change, Sustainability, Creativity, Combination of Business and Technology, all the while experiencing the beauty of Finland in the summer?


LUT University is a Saint Mary’s partner institution in Lappeenranta, Finland. Saint Mary’s students are invited to take part in their LUT Summer School taking place from June 26-July 15 2023 (3 weeks). Credits from the program are transferrable to the extent that they fulfill the student’s degree requirements and need to be approved by the student’s academic advisor via a Letter of Permission before the program commences. Tuition is paid at SMU for the transfer credit hours (although the flyer states otherwise).


Bachelor and Master students in the fields of technology and business are invited to apply, but LUT Summer School offers mainly Master’s level courses. Please check the course descriptions and prerequisites at, and email if there are questions or inquiries.


For additional information, please refer to the attached flyer and the program website All questions should be directed to


Interested students should submit the SMU Exchange Program application by February 15. Three (3) Saint Mary’s students will be accepted into the program.

International Helsinki Days (IHD)

International Helsinki Days (IHD) is a seminar week organized for the 36th time 5.2- 12.2.2023 by the Student Union of Hanken School of Economics. Every year approximately 40 students from all around the world take part in the IHD seminar. The whole week is filled with interesting lectures, company visits and a look into the Finnish student life. At the same time, we create new friendships and become one big family!

Interested students need to apply directly to the program organizer and at the same time email to let the Global Learning Office.

Hanken and LUSEM Nordic Winter School

Hanken School of Economics in Finland offers a Winter School 16-27 January 2023 with their long-standing Nordic partner - Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) in Sweden.

The Winter School explores opportunities for addressing big societal challenges and discusses how we can contribute to developing more equal, resilient and sustainable societies. 

It consists of two modules;

  • one delivered by LUSEM; The Darkness of Business (16-20 January)

  • one by Hanken Sustainability and Innovation of Money and Banking (23-27 January)

The modules are at the bachelor level. It is not possible to take only one of the courses.

More information is also available at

 The deadline: Students should contact by Aug 30 to inquire or to apply. Our usual funding will be available.