Internship — Global Opportunities — Studio for Teaching & Learning


University of Seoul International Research Internship Program

The University of Seoul is delighted to host the International Research Internship Program, designed for students from our global partner universities. This program provides a unique opportunity to engage in academic research and cultural exchange in the vibrant city of Seoul, South Korea.

Download the program brochure here

Please note: Interested students should contact the SMU Global Learning Office to express their interest before applying to the host university.

Announcement from the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE)

IOHE is accepting applications for the Virtual Internships with the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE). The deadline for submitting applications is February 23rd, 2024 (5pm, Montreal time, GMT-05). To apply, fill out the form here:

Announcement from DAAD German Academic Exchange Service

DAAD Webinar :

Student Funding Programs for Germany in 2024-25

September 26, 2023

DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service will present a webinar on our student funding programs in support of study, research and internship opportunities in Germany on Tuesday, September 26th at 1 pm EST (10 am PST).

DAAD has programs for students in all fields of study and at all stages (Bachelor, Master's & PhD - even for recent postdocs).

Take this opportunity to learn more about the programs on offer, how to apply and get tips from staff on how you can improve your submission.


Register to attend

Click here to register to attend and receive the webinar link.


Note: the webinar will be recorded and all registrants will receive a link to this file after the session, so get your name on the list even if you can't make it in real time.


The webinars are presented free-of-charge and all are welcome.


We look forward to having you with us!


DAAD Canada

Announcement from Youth Challenge International


Youth Challenge International (YCI) has launched new positions and start dates for Canadians (citizens and permanent residents) to gain professional experience in the international development and social entrepreneurship sectors in a  HerStart Fellowship. YCI is currently recruiting for HerStart International Fellowship positions to collaborate for 3 or 6 months with our impact-driven teams in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda!  

HerStart is a YCI program providing 10,000 women in Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana with the training, tools, and funding opportunities to become social entrepreneurs.  As a key part of HerStart, Fellows have the opportunity to support YCI staff, as well as our innovative and impact-driven partner organizations in each country.  

3- and 6-month placements with start dates in January and May 2024 are now open. Positions available include:  

  • Gender Equality Fellow  

  • Climate Action Fellow  

  • Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Fellow  

  • Social Entrepreneurship Fellow  

  • Program & Partnerships Fellow  

  • Communications Fellow  

HerStart Fellows will gain hands-on professional international development experience, expand their impact-driven networks, and engage in high quality training from experts in critical topics such as gender equality, climate action and social innovation.  

HerStart International Fellows receive a holistic benefits package including pre-departure training, post-placement support, round-trip airfare, visas, health insurance, a monthly living stipend and much more.  This program is funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs.  

💡 Want to learn more about HerStart International Fellowships? 🎬 Meet our Fellows and watch videos highlighting their experience here! 

💡Curious to see what HerStart entrepreneurs are innovating? Meet Entrepreneurs from each country and watch videos showcasing their social businesses here! 

Access the full list of current HerStart Fellowship opportunities and apply today! ➡️  

Announcement from Youth Challenge International

Through HerStart Fellowships funded by the Government of Canada,  Canadians (citizens and permanent residents) are able to meaningfully contribute their skill sets and gain dynamic, professional experience in the international development and social entrepreneurship sectors. YCI is currently recruiting for HerStart International Fellowships to collaborate with our impact-driven teams in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda. The deadline to apply for the September 2023 cohort has been extended to Sunday, June 18th

See All Opportunities

Call for Globalink Mentors

Mitacs is hiring a Globalink mentor to help welcome Mitacs Globalink Program interns (from countries such as Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, the UK and the US) who will complete a 12-week research internship at a Canadian university in Summer 2023.


Terms of employment:

  • Summer 2023

  • $20/hour

  • 10 hours/week

  • One mentorship position at SMU


Application deadline: January 31 2023


If there are questions, please email

Research and Innovation projects though Mitacs

If you are post-secondary students at SMU, you might be interested in 200+ research and innovation projects.

You can work with industry or not-for-profit partners in a cutting-edge environment, receive a stipend starting at $10K, and expand your professional network. Visit Mitacs Research and Innovation projects.

Shastri Student Internship in India Project (SSII) (Application deadline extended)

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for Shastri Student Internship in India (SSII) Project. The SSII Project is part of SICI Canada's Short-term Outbound Mobility Program, Canadian Scholars to India (CSI). The CSI Program is supported by Global Affairs Canada, the Government of Canada. The target of the CSI Program is to improve and diversify Canadian scholars (student and faculty) academic mobility to India.


The SSII project-grants offer Internship and Co-op opportunities (International Work Integrated Learning) to Canadian undergraduate-level students in India. The SSII grant recipients are Canadian undergrad students going to India for three months to work on specific projects in their host Indian organizations. During these three months, the SSII students will be working under the supervision of designated supervisors/coordinators at their respective host Indian organizations.  


The application deadline has been extended to 22 December 2022.


For information, please visit the SICI website at


For additional information, or if you are interested in applying, please contact Dr Rohini Bannerjee, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) representative for Saint Mary's University.

Mitacs Globalink Research Award Program: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Below are the most recent updates to the Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) program. These updates pertain to a call for proposals with our partner Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), a new version of the application now available and an update regarding invoicing of projects through the allocation stream.


Current opportunities — call for proposals:


1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Japan – travel from Canada)

  • Dates: September 29, 2022 to November 30, 2022 at 5 p.m. PT

  • Level: Full-time master's and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Other requirements: Interns must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada

  • Eligible institutions: complete list here: Japanese national, public or private universities, Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, National Laboratories, Prefectural Research Institutes, Independent Administrative Institutions, Non-Profit Organizations, Corporations etc.

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian university

  • Award amount: JSPS arranges round-trip airfare and insurance. Mitacs and JSPS provide an allowance for the student or postdoctoral fellow (equivalent to 534,000 yen in total). Host supervisors are eligible for a research support allowance.

  • Duration: 9 weeks

  • Internship dates: Projects must take place during the period set by the JSPS. The dates for the 2023 program are early June to mid-August, 2023. More details can be found here. Note that dates are tentative and may be subject to change.

  • Application process and submission: instructions here. Submission to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Business Development representative



Do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions. For general questions about the program, please contact the Programs team:

Globalink Research Internship now accepting student applications

The Student Call for applications for Globalink Research Internships is now open. The deadline to apply is September 22, 2022, at 1:00 PM Pacific Time (PT). 

The Globalink Research Internship offers a 12-week research project at Canadian universities for high-achieving senior undergraduates from select universities in A ustralia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States.  Starting May 2023, approved students travel to Canada, where they work with a faculty supervisor and other researchers at their host universities. 


Interns receive:  


·  A matched project with a Canadian professor and university, based on your research interests, skills and expertise 

·  Round-trip airfare to Canada (amount varies depending on country of origin) 

·  Transportation from airport in Canada to accommodations 

·  Stipend for housing (amount varies depending on country of origin) 

·  Health insurance 

·  Stipend towards student enrollment fees up to a maximum of $300 

·  Stipend for food and incidentals (amount varies depending on country of origin) 

·  Support from student mentors on campus in Canada 

·  Registration for industry events and professional development courses 

·  Globalink Research Internship certificate of completion 


For more information visit the Globalink Research Internships web page. 

Indigenous Youth Virtual Internship Program

Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) has this opportunity below.

Gain professional experience in the international development sector! Work virtually with international organizations in Kenya, Guyana or Cambodia and build skills for your resume. Learn about global issues and the Sustainable Development Goals while connecting with a youth network across Canada.

The program will take place part-time during the Fall/Winter (16 weeks, part-time). Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. This program is for Indigenous youth (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) ages 18-35.

Fill out the application here!

Youth Challenge International: Internship

Get global experience with Youth Challenge International's Innovate ME international youth internship program


Our Innovate ME program provides Canadian youth, aged 19-30, the opportunity to work virtually with global partners while gaining experience, knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a future you’ll love.


Check out these unique 4-month paid internship opportunities starting August 16:


·     Research & Grant Writing Intern

·     Communications & Digital Media Intern

·     Regional Programs Impact Intern

·     Monitoring & Evaluation Intern

·     Marketing & Digital Media Intern

·     Career Development Program Intern

·     Education Project Intern

·     Gender Equality & Education Intern

·     Digital Media & Research Intern

·     Program Support Intern

·     Program Support Intern

·     E-Learning Education Intern


Deadline to apply is July 22 but don't delay, these positions will fill quickly!


Learn more and apply now!

The Globalink Research Award

The Globalink Research Award Thematic Call for applications is now open. The deadline is December 1, 2020. For more information, please visit the website at If you are interested in applying, please let the Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office know by emailing