Global Learning & Intercultural Support — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Go Global with Saint Mary's University!

Students at Saint Mary’s have the opportunity to round out your education with hands-on experience and international connections by studying abroad. Whether you choose to study abroad as a Saint Mary’s exchange student or participate in an international field study course, you’re guaranteed to gain a new, more global perspective.

Explore the benefits of adding an international perspective!

Infomration for students visiting Saint Mary’s from a partner institution

Global Learning Advisors are here to help you prepare for your program

Explore the possibilities: Resources for faculty, students, and staff

A great way to begin your journey towards a truly global perspective

Participating in an international exchange program is easier than you think!

Check out the profiles of the Global Learning Ambassador Alumni

We’re here to ensure you come back from your trip safe and healthy!

Contact Us

The Global Learning and Intercultural Learning Office staff are working on campus and virtually. Meetings times are available both online and in-person by request.

Phone: 902-496-8725
Fax: 902-420-5530
Office: Atrium 106