Indigenous Youth Virtual Internship Program

Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) has this opportunity below.

Gain professional experience in the international development sector! Work virtually with international organizations in Kenya, Guyana or Cambodia and build skills for your resume. Learn about global issues and the Sustainable Development Goals while connecting with a youth network across Canada.

The program will take place part-time during the Fall/Winter (16 weeks, part-time). Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. This program is for Indigenous youth (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) ages 18-35.

Fill out the application here!

Graduate Student Travel Opportunity - India

Mitacs is offerings up to $6,000 to graduate students to conduct a research project in India via their Globalink Research Award (GRA) program. The details are as follows:

Shastri Indo Canadian Institute (SICI) (India — travel to Canada and/or travel from Canada)

  • Deadline: Open all year

  • Intern level: Full-time master's and PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Eligible institutions: Full list of eligible Indian institutions available here. Full list of Canadian eligible universities available here.

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $6,000

  • Duration: 12-24 weeks

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs representative

  • Note: Projects may include interns travelling to Canada and from Canada and up to 5 interns.

Learn more and apply online at:

Showcasing & Disseminating Knowledge and Research - SICI

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute brings to you Dr. Darrin Richeson and Dr. Gyaneshwar Kumar Rao, both Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant (SICRG) 2016-17 awardees, who will share their academic and research journey, including experience they earned as SICI fellows over the years.


Date/Time – July 22, 2022 | 7:30 PM (IST)

Click here to register.

Mitacs April 2022 Update

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) program has the following updates and call for proposals with new partners:


Current opportunities and new opportunities — call for proposals:

  1. Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ Helmholtz Association) (Germany — travel to Canada and travel from Canada)

  • Deadline: May 31, 2022

  • Intern level: Full-time PhD students or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines, but focus on information, energy, and bioeconomy

  • Eligible institutions: Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C), Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS), Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG), Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI), Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK), Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM), Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP), Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI) Central Institute for Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $6,000

  • Duration: 12-24 weeks

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Jülich (Gabriele Weiland,

  • Note: This call for proposals has a focus on interns travelling to Canada, but projects may include interns travelling to Canada and from Canada.


  1. Université Côte d’Azur (France – travel to Canada and travel from Canada)

  • Deadline: May 2 to June 17, 2022

  • Intern level: Master’s or PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows. Full-time senior undergraduate are accepted only for travel from Canada.

  • Themes: All disciplines

  • Eligible institutions: Université Côté D’Azur (UCA)

  • Co-funding: No financial contribution is required from the Canadian institution

  • Award amount: $6,000

  • Duration: 12-24 weeks

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs representative


New opportunities — open all year:

  1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan — travel from Canada)

  • Deadline: Open all year

  • Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows

  • Themes: All disciplines, but focus on: Advanced Networking and Cyberinfrastructure, Artificial Intelligence, Continuum Computing, Cyberphysical System, Cybersecurity, Human Centered Mobility, Human Informatics and Interactions, Immersive Visualization and Analytics, Robotics

  • Eligible institutions: Human Informatics and Interaction Research Institute, Cyber Physical Security Research Center, Human Augmentation Research Center, Human-Centered Mobility Research Center, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center, Digital Architecture Research Center

  • Award amount: $3,000 + Airfare + Accommodations

  • Duration: 12-24 weeks

  • Application process and submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs representative

  • Note: for more information on this partner, see document attached.


For general questions about the program, please contact the Programs team:

Online research internship at Mykolas Romeris University, 16-20 May 2022

For the second year, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) is inviting doctoral students and young researchers in social sciences and humanities to an online research internship that will take place on 16-20 May 2022. During the intensive week, you will find out about digital tools for literature search and reference management, practice your academic writing in English, get useful tips on how to successfully publish research results, develop a project proposal, communicate about your research and build your personal brand and network. Besides, you will have individual consultations on your dissertation topic with the internship supervisor, free online access to MRU Library databases.

Upon successful completion, you will be awarded an internship certificate.

The working language of the internship will be English.

Application fee: 300 Euros.

If you are a doctoral student or young researcher from one of our partner universities, you are entitled to a 30% discount on the application fee.

 More information:

Any questions? Please contact us at

To apply please email the by May 5th, 2022.

Graduate Summer 2022: University of Jyvaskyla

University of Jyväskylä, is offering its 31st Summer School advanced Master's students, PhD, and post-docs from the field of Mathematics and Science and Information Technology. The program offers participants the chance to boost their STEM knowledge, while creating scientific networks and memories. It is also a great opportunity to spend time in an international science community.


The courses are taught from Aug 8-12 and Aug 15-19, and are divided in the following three themes:


  • Science in Society

  • Basic Natural Phenomena

  • Scientific Imaging and Modelling


Please feel free to let your graduate students know. Interested students can contact the Global Learning Office ( so we can assist them with the program/funding applications.


The program application is due on April 30.


Jyväskylä Summer School of 2022 will be arranged in hybrid mode (in person and/or online). More detailed information regarding the study mode of each course is specified in the course descriptions


Summer School  2022 Course Programme 
Week 1  (8. - 12.8.2022)

·         BIO1: Resilience of Society and Natural and Man-made Causes for Migration (Forthem short term mobility)

·         CH1: Food Science Lab Course (Forthem short term mobility)

·         CH2: Molecular Magnetism

·         CH3: Target Oriented Synthesis TOS

·         PH1/NANO1: Emergent Quantum Matter in Artificial Two-dimensional Materials

·         PH2: Axion: Cosmology and Astrophysics

·         MA1: The Boundary Control Method and Inverse Problems for the Wave Equation

·         MA2: Introduction to the Mathematics of X-ray Imaging: X-ray Transforms

·         MA3: Stochastic Modelling and Numerical Tools around the Physics of Complex Flows

·         COG1: Emerging Technologies and Standards for Inclusive and Accessible Design

·         SSA1: The Landscape of Hybrid Threats: Culture and Changing Nature of War

·         IS1: Topical Course on Digital Services (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)

Week 2 (15. - 19.8.2022)

·         BIO2: Towards Sustainable Development Goals: the Nexus of Water, Food and Energy (Acronym “Nexus Course”)

·         BIO3: Joint Species Distribution Modelling with Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC)

·         CH4: Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS)

·         STAT1: Applied Compositional Data Analysis: Multivariate and Functional Approaches

·         NANO2: Spectroscopy in Nanoscale

·         NANO3/CH5: Luminescent Nanoparticles: Spectroscopic Properties, Colloidal Synthesis, and their Use in Optical Imaging and Thermal Sensing

·         COM1: Interactive Multiobjective Optimization: Applications and Tools to Support Decision Making

·         COG2: Accessible Visualizations: Conveying Information Across Sensory Modalities

·         IS1: Topical Course on Digital Services (NB! Course lasts through both weeks)


Summer 2022: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

PUC-Rio is offering their Summer 2022 Brazilian Seminars in-person and virtually in July with options to study Portuguese before and/or after the program. Learn about Brazil and earn academic credit towards your degree.

Topic areas include:

  • Brazilian arts, culture & music

  • Brazilian history: from Brasilia`s foundation to the current years

  • Doing business in Brazil, entrepreneurship & start-ups

  • Education: policies and challenges

  • Favelas in Rio

  • Environmental issues and renewable energy

  • Media and democracy in Brazil and Latin America

  • Social inclusion and social movements

  • Race relations, migration flows and the formation of the Brazilian people

  • Trending topics in Brazilian politics, BRICS and international relations

  • The Brazilian agenda of economic development

  • Urban planning, mobility and integration

Learn more about the program at:

SMU students pay tuition at the hos university at a discounted rate. Please visit your academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission Process.

Interested students should contact to express interest before May 15.

Summer 2022: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences will be organizing the AUAS Summer School on campus in Amsterdam from 4-15 July 2022. They provide students with the summer of a lifetime with our new offer of academically challenging summer courses. With the city of Amsterdam as their personal laboratory, we can guarantee that students will gain new knowledge and skills.

Click here to learn more about HvA’s summer program, or visit their website at:

Courses taught include: Summer courses 2022We are currently completing the programme of the AUAS Summer School 2022. We are glad to let you know that 9 academically challenging courses have already been confirmed and are now open for registration. All courses will start on 4 July 2022:

Applied Quantum Computing
Researching the city
European Business skills
Learning Python through coding music

Supply Chain Management
Tour of understanding below sea level
Transformation Design Experience
Virtual Fashion Design: the new real
Virtual Reality

SMU students pay tuition to HvA with a 50 euro discount. Please visit your academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission process. To express interest, please email before May 15.

Summer 2022: Hong Kong Baptist University

HKBU is excited to offer their Virtual Summer Program again in July 2022. The slogan of the Virtual Summer Programme is "Spice Up Your Summer". They are offering a selection of inspiring courses across disciplines to ignite your students' intellectual curiosity. In addition, we are planning a series of interactive events for your students to explore bustling Hong Kong LIVE:

  • Kowloon City - Hong Kong's Buoyant Multicultural Hotspot

  • Safer Than Steel - Bamboo Scaffolding

  • Center Yourself with Tai Chi - Getting Healthy the Chinese Way

  • #HongKongLifeStyle - A New Perspective through Iconic Skyscrapers

Courses offers can be found at:

Learn more about the program at .

SMU students will pay tuition at Saint Mary’s for credits transferred back a Saint Mary’s transcript. Interested students should contact their academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission Process.

Contact the Global Learning Office to express interest in participating in this Summer exchange.

Summer 2022: University of Seoul, South Korea

The University of Seoul is looking forward to welcoming two SMU exchange students to their Summer School program from June 26th to July 23.

Seoul International Summer School (SISS) program at the University of Seoul (UOS) was first established in 2000, and it has provided international students with a great opportunity to learn about Korean culture and tradition

Learn more about their program at:

Course topics include Economics, International Relations, Urban Science, Sports Science, and Korean Culture. See course listings here:

SMU students will pay tuition at Saint Mary’s for credits transferred back a Saint Mary’s transcript. Interested students should contact their academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission Process.

Contact the Global Learning Office to express interest in participating in this Summer exchange.

Summer 2022: ESSCA, France

ESSCA is offering a variety of courses for exchange students this summer. Students will be invited to select one of the undergraduate or graduate programs according to their current level of study, either from:




ANGERS SUMMER PROGRAMfrom 8th June to 8th July 2022

  • European Union Studies:
    EU Politics,
    EU Economics,
    Brussels Field Seminar & Report

  • Culture Communication:
    Intercultural communication
    French culture

  • Including a field trips to Brussels and Paris

PARIS SUMMER PROGRAM,  from 13th June to 8 July 2022

  • PAIRING 1 : International Luxury Brand Marketing & International Business Management,

  • PAIRING 2 : Business Intelligence and Strategy & Digital Culture, Innovation and New Market,

  • PAIRING 3 : Theory and Research in Organisation Communication & Cross-cultural Communication and French Awareness



BUDAPEST SUMMER PROGRAM,  from 20th June to 15th July 2022

  • PAIRING 1 : Human Centered Management and Leadership & Economic and Business Opportunities between Europe and Asia

  • PAIRING 2 : International Marketing and Logistics & Self Leadership and Self Branding

  • Including company visits

SMU students should refer to the rate for “Partner students” and note that students pay tuition at SMU for the transfer credit hours as approved via Letter of Permission. Student should speak with their academic advisor regarding the Letter of Permission process. To express interest please contact the Global Learning Office.

Summer 2022: NEOMA, France

Over the last 5 years France has organized no fewer than 12 world championships and 13 European championships, including the UEFA EURO 2016, the Ryder's Cup in 2018 and the Woman's Football World Cup in 2019. This impressive achievement continues with the Rugby World Cup in 2023 and the largest mega sporting event in the world: the Olympic Games in 2024.


With major sporting partners, NEOMA Business School has created the Sport Federations and Major Events Management programme, giving participants a solid insight into the French success story of event management and the European sport industry.


The Summer short programme will be a great opportunity for students interested in a career in sport management or for students wishing simply to know more about this global and dynamic industry.


Included in the Sport Federations and Major Events Management programme :

➜ Lectures by NEOMA BS faculty and guest faculty members

➜ 2 Guest speakers from industry and Federations

➜ Visits and extra curricular activities


Courses taught in the Programme :

➜ Sport Management – The French Model, Strengths and Future Challenges

➜ Managing Major Sporting Events – Sports Event to Softpower Influence

➜ Sports Sponsorship and Marketing – Strategies for Federations and Clubs

➜ Business Game Football Club CEO – Club Management and Finance

Learn more at:

SMU students pay tuition at Saint Mary’s for the transfer credits. There is the €1,100 administrative fee payable at the host university which does not include lodging. Student should speak with their academic advisor regarding the Letter of Permission process. To express interest please contact the Global Learning Office before May 10.

Summer 2022: United International College, China [virtual]

United International College in China is offered two course through their Hyflex delivery method this summer.

Hyflex with UIC: The HyFlex classroom offers hybrid learning channels (in-class or on-line) and flexible participation. It enables distributed (in space) and asynchronous (in time) learning opportunities which can increase the reach of the curriculum and possibilities for cross-cultural communication.

Courses offered:

EXPLORING ARTS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF CHINA WITH 3D TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA by Dr. Purrie NG and Dr. WANG Xi (Division of Culture and Creativity): This course aims at exploring the arts and cultural heritage in China associating with basic 3D technology and media. Cultural heritage plays an important role in tourism industry. With the long-established civilization in China, there is an accumulation of abundant sources of historical records and scenic spots, which consist of great cultural, socio-economic values to humanity. In addition to providing an introductive information about Chinese history, civilization and tourism management, this course also utilizes 3D presentation skills in studying the key cultural heritage in Chinese cities. With the enrichment of presentation skills such as 3D models, images and videos, students can understand and appreciate the artefacts more visually. After completing this course, it is expected that students will be able to acquire fundamental knowledge of the historical sources of Chinese cultural heritage such as palaces, temples, scenic spots in a contextual way, illustrated with visual aids of 3D models, images and videos

FOOD CULTURE: by Dr. Alisa He (Division of Science and Technology)This course aims to provide students with an overview of food culture. Food is a basic human need; however, beyond biological functions, food also has rich cultural significance. Taste, preference, ritual, tradition, gender, social class and nationality all influence food choices and behaviors. Economics and environmental factors, globalization, localization, and social movements all affect our access and attitudes toward food. The course also aims to strengthen students’ understanding of food culture and food science in relations to food health issues. It will bring them the food a food journey that raise their awareness of food production, food consumption.

SMU students pay tuition at the host university at a discounted rate, and should refer to the prices on the UIC website. Visit your academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission process. To learn more and express interest in this program please contact the Global Learning Office.

Summer 2022: LUT, Finland

Visit Finland as an exchange student this summer. LUT in Finland is offering several courses in business and technology this Summer between May and July.

Learn about their course offerings here:

Learn more about their exchange summer program here:

SMU students pay tuition to Saint Mary’s for transfer credits approved by a Letter of Permission. Visit your academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission process. To learn more and express interest in this program please contact the Global Learning Office.

Summer 2022: University of Jyvaskya, Finland

The University of Jyvaskya is offering a vareity of courses for exchange students this summer. SMU students choose one of the weeks as listed below.

Week 1 (30.5. - 3.6.2022)
Finnish Language and Culture
Education in Finland
Adapted Physical Activity
Visual Communication as a Way to Improve Working Life Skills
Physical Activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion - International Perspectives

Week 2 (6. - 10.6.2022)
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Managing Customer Relationships with Digital Marketing
Multilingual Communication in Multicultural Teams
Mindfulness in the Modern World
Climate Change, Migration and Crisis Preparedness in Social Work

Week 3 (13. - 17.6.2022)
Music, Mind & Well-being
Nordic Working Life Model: Past, Present and the Future of Work in Light of Institutional Theories
Learning and Teaching in Growing Diversity
Sport (Tourism) Marketing

Learn more at:

Application deadline: March 8, 2022

Tuition is paid at SMU for transfer credits approved by a Letter of Permission. Visit your academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission. To learn more about this program or express interest please contact the Global Learning Office.

Summer 2022: Tec de Monterrey, Mexico

Tec de Montreery is offering their iSummerMx Programs, which are innovative, experiential learning academic options designed for International students who love traveling and learning about new cultures while visiting different Tec de Monterrey campuses in different cities.

The program is enriched with special activities such as field trips, company visits, and networking events that will make their experience unforgettable, creating everlasting memories, exercising their intellectual curiosity, and developing entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership skills in a multicultural setting.

iSummerMX program (July 4-29 2022) (in-person)


Other programs (June 27-July 29 2022) (in-person and online)

  • Undergraduate Research Projects (in-person or online)

Research Projects 2022-23 Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

  • University courses (in-person or online)

More info to come

  • Internship Program (in-person or online)

Internship Program 2022-2023 - Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

  • Spanish as a Second Language (in-person or online)

More info available soon.

SMU students pay tuition to Saint Mary’s for transfer credits that are approved by a Letter of Permission. Visit you academic advisor to learn more about the Letter of Permission Process.

Contact the Global Learning Office to learn more and express interest in participating in this exchange opportunity.

Summer 2022: Rennes School of Business, France

Rennes School of Business is excited to announce their summer programs open to exchange students. 100% taught in English! Students can come and study face-to-face in Rennes OR follow the courses online in asynchronous mode.

Courses offered include:

  • Cross-Cultural Management from 31 May to 10 June 2022. Nomination deadline : 5 April ; application deadline : 15 April 2022.

  • Sustainable Business from 14 June to 24 June 2022. Nomination deadline : 12 April ; application deadline : 22 April 2022.

  • Doing Business in Europe from 28 June to 8 July 2022. Nomination deadline : 19 April ; application deadline : 29 April 2022.

3 students sent on one summer programme is equivalent to 1 exchange semester slot, as per our Student Exchange Agreement.

Learn more at
See their Brochure here.

SMU students will pay tuition at Saint Mary’s for credits transferred back a Saint Mary’s transcript. Interested students should contact their academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission Process.

Contact the Global Learning Office to express interest in participating in this Summer exchange.

Embassy of Spain - Canadian Language and Culture Assistants in Spain

The North American Language and Culture Assistants Program (NALCAP) is an educational outreach initiative the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Spain. NALCAP falls under the category of public diplomacy programs. As a language assistant, award recipients fulfill the role of a cultural ambassador through the promotion of English and French language learning and mutual understanding through cultural exchange. As such, their role is to encourage students of all ages in Spain to broaden their knowledge of the language and culture of Canada.

The application period will be open from February 1 until April 7, 2022. There is no cost or fee to submit applications. Please take a look at the promotional video here 

For general information about the program, please visit their website.