HKBU is excited to offer their Virtual Summer Program again in July 2022. The slogan of the Virtual Summer Programme is "Spice Up Your Summer". They are offering a selection of inspiring courses across disciplines to ignite your students' intellectual curiosity. In addition, we are planning a series of interactive events for your students to explore bustling Hong Kong LIVE:
Kowloon City - Hong Kong's Buoyant Multicultural Hotspot
Safer Than Steel - Bamboo Scaffolding
Center Yourself with Tai Chi - Getting Healthy the Chinese Way
#HongKongLifeStyle - A New Perspective through Iconic Skyscrapers
Courses offers can be found at:
Learn more about the program at .
SMU students will pay tuition at Saint Mary’s for credits transferred back a Saint Mary’s transcript. Interested students should contact their academic advisor to learn about the Letter of Permission Process.
Contact the Global Learning Office to express interest in participating in this Summer exchange.