Course Design and Assessment — Studio for Teaching & Learning


Assessment is an integral aspect of learning. Assessment both guides and measures learning across the breadth of disciplinary knowledge and the skills and attitudes are required to apply that knowledge effectively.

Many traditional assessment tools typically rely on student’s performance with demonstrating knowledge and understanding without any requirement to demonstrate the ability to apply or that knowledge within a disciplinary context. This could potentially result in a gap between what students are expected to learn by end of

Alternative Assessment often provides an opportunity to measure learning and ability that is not always covered by traditional assessment forms. Alternative Assessment will typically incorporate requirements for students to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge in a process-orientated manner, and may feature any of the following:

  • Incorporate authentic or ‘real world’ learning experiences

  • Break into multiple stages and provide formative feedback to students so they can modify behaviour to improve performance

  • Provide the opportunity to use knowledge in an exploratory or investigative manner.course or program of study with what they do end up learning