A group of international students at Frankfurt Summer Universities
Frankfurt Summer Universities is proud to offer exciting new courses for international students this summer! Students can take courses in subjects such as:
German Language and Culture (offered online and available in combination with one of the above academic courses)
The programs are designed for international students and taught entirely in English. Frankfurt Summer Universities also offers fun extracurricular activities for students to participate in, as well as field trips to political, financial, and architectural sites. The city is our classroom! To learn more, please visit our website at www.frankfurt-summer-university.de or contact us at summerschools@fra-uas.de .
Who is this program for?
Undergraduate students in good academic standing who will have completed 2 years of Bachelor studies by the end of Winter 2024. This is an interdisciplinary course. Students and working professionals from all academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Fees and costs
SMU students pay a program fee of 850euros (approx. CAD$1,240) at the host institution. Students who are accepted before April 7 2024 will benefit from a reduced fee of 750euros (approx. CAD$1,100). The program fee covers 2 weeks of academic courses, course materials, public transportation in Frankfurt, and opening/closing events. SMU will not charge a separate tuition fee.
Students will also be responsible for accommodation, meals, international travel, insurance, $100 study abroad admin fee and personal expenses. You can book accommodation through Frankfurt Summer Universities (see here https://www.frankfurt-summer-university.de/en/housing/). The prices are 580euros (approx. CAD$850) for double occupancy and 450euros (approx. CAD$660) for a quadruple room (3-4 people). They cannot guarantee your preferred housing choice.
It is strongly recommended to start the visa application process as soon as students receive their acceptance letter so to avoid any delay. For information on visas, please visit the website of the German Missions in Canada https://canada.diplo.de/ca-en/consular-services/visa/shortstay. To find out if you need a visa, click on “Do I need a visa?” here https://canada.diplo.de/ca-en/consular-services/visa/shortstay#content_1.
If you need a Schengen visa, the visa process for residents of Nova Scotia will be overseen by the Austrian Embassy in Ottawa (as referenced in “Where do I submit my visa application?” here https://canada.diplo.de/ca-en/consular-services/visa/where-to-submit-visa-application/1308212.)
Please review the Austrian Embassy website thoroughly here to prepare your visa application: https://www.bmeia.gv.at/en/austrian-embassy-ottawa/travel-information-on-austria/entrance-and-residence/how-to-apply.
When you book your visa application appointment, your application will be managed through VFS Global’s Visa Application Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, the official visa application centre for the Embassy of Australia in Canada.
Questions related to the visa application process should be directed to VFS Global by email at info.austria_can@vfsglobal.com or the Austrian Embassy in Ottawa at Ottawa-ob@bmeia.gv.at.
Transfer credits
Students may be able to earn credits to the extent that those credits are applicable to the program requirements of your SMU degree. Please meet with your academic advisor of your program (visit https://www.smu.ca/academics/academic-advising.html) to see if any of your remaining degree requirements can be completed at another university. If your advisor confirms that there is room for transfer credits in your degree, you will request approval to take courses for transfer credits by submitting a Letter of Permission Request Form (found here https://www.smu.ca/academics/student-forms.html) to the SMU Records Office as soon as your acceptance is confirmed.
Limited funding may be available; contact the Global Learning Office
How to apply
Interested students should submit the SMU Exchange Program application* by February 15, 2025 to the Global Learning Office.
*To complete your application, you will:
fill out your Study Abroad Application (https://studio.smu.ca/s/StudyAbroadApplication2021.pdf)
write a one-page letter of intent (Tip: book an appointment with The Writing Centre or ask if personal statement workshops are coming up https://studio.smu.ca/wc-student-tutoring)
print in pdf your unofficial transcript from banner and
prepare your resume.
Once you have all four pieces of application documents, upload them at the application link here https://smuniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_55UpfboKu5sImUe.
In addition to the above, please have two letters of reference emailed to Global@smu.ca. At least one letter needs to be written by your Saint Mary’s course instructor.
If you want to know more about what should be included in your letter of intent, or if your professor would like to know what to include in their reference letter, please refer to the Study Abroad Information Package found here https://studio.smu.ca/apply.
What happens after you apply?
If you are selected, you will be nominated to the host university by the SMU Global Learning Office, and the rest of the pre-departure steps will be explained.
Email the Global Learning Office at Global@smu.ca.