Virtual Exchange in Japan, Fall 2020
Take classes at Kansai Gaidai University this Fall 2020!
Dates: August 31-December 18 2020
Courses offerings: Japanese Language courses (8 levels) and 20 selected courses on Japan and Asia taught in English (see below)
Extra-curricular offerings: Free Participation in Intercultural Engagement Program; Online interaction with local Kansai Gaidai students
Delivery: Synchronously offered courses will use ZOOM
Enrollment: Up to two courses
Tuition: SMU tuition is paid at SMU for the transfer credits; Registration fee of US$100 is payable to Kansai Gaidai University
Credits: Credits are transferrable as applicable to the student’s program requirements. Contact the academic advising office and ask about how to obtain approval via the Letter of Permission.
Application: Email by July 17 2020 to express interests in the program.
ASP 2020FA Online Course Offerings (Tentative)
Japanese 1-8
Kanji and Readings 1-6
Advanced Kanji & Readings
Business Japanese
East Asian Literature and Culture in Translation
Religion in Japan
History of Modern Japan
Japanese Cultural History: Ancient and Medieval
Fashion in Japan: Art and History of the Kimono and Western Dress Culture
Japanese Design: Aesthetics and Visual Culture
Geisha, Gangsters and Samurai: Japan in Western Film
Monsters, Ghosts and the Making of Modern Japan
Japanese Music
Japan and Globalization: A Cultural Approach
Culture, Power and Belonging in Japan
Sexuality and Culture in Japan
Inside the Secret World of the Geisha
Japan and Nuclear Weapons
International Relations of Asia
Japanese Politics and Public Policy from a Theoretical Perspective
Varieties of Capitalism in East Asia: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China
Management Across Cultures
Presentation and Visual Storytelling
International Negotiation: Resolving Conflict and Closing the Deal
Please refer to the following website ( for course syllabi from past semesters for reference. Fall Semester 2020 version will be available in August.