Teach this summer in Korea — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Teach this summer in Korea

The University of Seoul, a SMU partner in Korea, is inviting professors from partner institutions to teach a course in their International Summer School (June 26-July 23 2022). They plan to offer 8 courses in the following areas:

  • Business

    • Issues in Finance

    • Special Topics in International Business

    • Global Marketing Management

  • Economics

    • Economic Analysis of the Global Citizen

  • International Relations

    • Korea and Globalization

    • International Relations

  • Urban Sociology

    • Special Topics in Asia Studies

    • Globalization and Multicultural Societies

Interested faculty members who have teaching experiences in the above mentioned should email the Global Learning and Intercultural Support Office (Miyuki.arai@smu.ca) to inquire by Wednesday January 15.

Selected applicants will be paid 11,000,000 won (approx. CAD$11,800) to cover expenses such as airfare, accommodation, lecture, tax, and currency exchange fee.
