New Perspectives on Teaching: The 2022 Teaching and Learning Symposium — Studio for Teaching & Learning

New Perspectives on Teaching: The 2022 Teaching and Learning Symposium

Are you interested in exploring new perspectives on teaching? Reflective teaching practice can take you there. Registration is now open for the Teaching and Learning Symposium, which will take place on February 22, 2022. This one-day event is designed to provide faculty and professional staff an opportunity to share and explore ideas, research, and teaching experiences with the university community.

Reflective Teaching Practice

The theme of this year’s symposium is Building Teacher-Student Connections Through Reflective Teaching Practice. One of the most powerful practices used by effective teachers is reflection. This involves the constant and intentional process of looking back on, and critically reviewing our teaching experiences and assumptions that inform our practice as teachers. In a reflective review, we become deeply aware, not only of what we are teaching, but also how and why. In addition to our personal experience, we learn how students respond to, or are affected by our teaching, as a well as learn through our colleagues’ perceptions. Reflection thus is an important catalyst for teachers’ professional and personal development and growth.

Registration and Call for Contribution

If you would like to register for this event, please click here. If you would like to propose a session for the symposium, please fill out and submit this form by January 7.
