Study Abroad Photo Contest — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Study Abroad Photo Contest

Saint Mary's University student at mountain lookout

Do you have any great pictures from your study abroad experiences? Submit your entries to Global Learning & Intercultural Support’s 12th annual study abroad photo contest.

Deadline to enter is December 10, 2018.

The contest deadline has been extended to
Friday, December 14.

Photos can either be taken by you or of you, while overseas as a Saint Mary’s student engaged in international learning activities.

Category 1:

  • Best learning moments

  • Environment

  • Lives & livelihood

  • Unforgettable moments

Category 2:
Culture, Lifestyle & Cuisine

  • Cultural traditions (e.g. festivals, customs)

  • Delicious (and daring) food experiences

Don’t know which photo to choose? You can submit up to three in each category. If you decide to participate in both categories, that’s a total of six photos.

Fourteen winning photos will be included in the 2019 Study Abroad Photo Calendar, which will be proudly displayed across campus. Winners will receive a free copy of the completed calendar.

How to enter

Send an email to with your entry details before December 10 December 14, 2018. Include your photo(s) as a file attachment. By submitting your photos, you offer your consent to have them used in promotion of Saint Mary’s University global learning programs, both in print and online.

Your email entry should have:

  • The title of each photo

  • Location of each photo

  • The program you were taking part in at the time (i.e. exchange, field course, research, internship, etc.)

  • A few sentences that explain the context of each photo and why it is meaningful to you.

  • Photo file attachment(s) (up to 3MB in JPEG or PDF)


Are you a student who has been on an international program? We are waiting to receive your entries! 

If you know of a SMU student who got great pictures from their overseas experience, please encourage them to enter the contest. 

We are also happy to receive entries from faculty and staff members who were group leaders in international field programs, or those who were teaching abroad within the last year.