Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Academic Writing Awards — Studio for Teaching & Learning

Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Academic Writing Awards

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Best Overall + Humanities category (upper level) winner

Paul Merrimen, "The Failure of Courtly Love in Troilus & Criseyde" (ENG 3405, Dr. Stephanie Morley)

Humanities category (upper level) honourable mentions

Stuart Cheyne, "'Thow be understonde': Writing a Good Reader in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde" (ENG 3405, Dr. Stephanie Morley)

Emily Hillman, "Uneasy Alliances: Political Strategies of Silla's Elites" (HIST 2394, Dr. Bill Sewell)

Humanities category (lower level) winner

Eric Franklin, HIST 4500 - "The Bard’s Witness: The Welsh and Early Modern English National Consciousness"

Mia Samardzic, "Young Women and Wolves: Contrasting Themes of Sexuality and Danger Regarding Identity in Charles Perrault's Little Red Riding Hood and Angela Carter's The Company of Wolves"

Social Science category (upper level) winner

Tyler Hatfield, "Weapon Focus Effect: A Literature Review" (PSYC 3338, Dr. Marguerite Ternes)

Social Science category (upper level) honourable mention

Elinor Hammond, POLI 2305 - "Simulation II Report, State C: Treaty Compliance Mechanism"

Isalean Phillip, "Economic Globalization and its effects on the nation-state of India" (POLI 3322, Dr. Carlos Pessoa)

Social Science category (lower level) winner

Matthew Clerk, "Women in Crisis: The Colonial Roots of Epidemic violence and oppresssion" (POLI 1220, Dr. Peter Heron)