The Last Mine: Dr. Daviken Studniki-Gizbert (IDS speaker series) — Studio for Teaching & Learning
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The Last Mine: Dr. Daviken Studniki-Gizbert (IDS speaker series)

  • Saint Mary's University, McNally Main 227 Halifax, NS (map)

International Development Studies at Saint Mary’s has one of the longest-running development studies speakers series in the country. The Speakers Series provides a forum for students to discuss central development issues with invited guests from academia, NGOs, multilateral agencies, government, and the private sector. The series is generally held on Fridays throughout the academic year from 12-1:30 pm, with alternative dates and times as necessary.

The Last Mine: Capitalist Exhaustion and Moral Ecologies in the Long History of Mining in Mexico
(Cerro de San Pedro, 1592 to the Present)

Dr. Daviken Studniki-Gizbert
Professor, Department of History and Classical Studies, McGill University