President Summerby-Murray hosts Farewell Reception — Studio for Teaching & Learning

President Summerby-Murray hosts Farewell Reception

Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, President and Vice-Chancellor of Saint Mary's University, hosted a Farewell Reception on Friday afternoon to wrap up the seventh annual BNUZ Summer Institute.

The event kicked off with students screening short films highlighting their experiences over the past three weeks. Each of the videos showcased the wide variety of academic learning and cultural experiences that captured their imaginations both on campus and around the city.

Before presenting their academic certificates, Dr Summerby-Murray reflected on how our lives are indelibly marked by broadening our horizons and embracing people from other cultures with open hearts and minds. He challenged the students to continue to embody the ethos of global citizenship upon their return to China.

Dr Zhuwei Wu, who was the group's chaperone during their stay in Canada, thanked the whole Saint Mary's community for welcoming her students, and said that she hoped the long history of friendship and cooperation between Saint Mary's and BNUZ would continue long into the future.

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