Artificial Intelligence — Studio for Teaching & Learning

“Technology always has unforeseen consequences, and it is not always clear, at the beginning, who or what will win, and who or what will lose.”

Neil Postman, from “Informing Ourselves to Death”, Speech to the German Informatics Society | October 11, 1990 | Stuttgart, Germany

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and accelerate progress towards [Sustainable Development Goal] 4. However, rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges, which have so far outpaced policy debates and regulatory frameworks.” - UNESCO. (2023) Artificial intelligence in education.

ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Quick Start

The Quick Start Guide provides an overview of how ChatGPT works and explains how it can be used in higher education.

UNESCO Digital Learning:
AI in Education

This web resource includes a library of UNESCO resources for educators and educational policy-makers responding to the advent of AI in educational settings.