Emigrant Population as a Potential Source of Export Growth in Developing Countries: Dr. Ather Akbari (IDS speaker series) — Studio for Teaching & Learning
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Emigrant Population as a Potential Source of Export Growth in Developing Countries: Dr. Ather Akbari (IDS speaker series)

  • Saint Mary's University, McNally Main 227 Halifax, NS (map)

International Development Studies at Saint Mary’s has one of the longest-running development studies speakers series in the country. The Speakers Series provides a forum for students to discuss central development issues with invited guests from academia, NGOs, multilateral agencies, government, and the private sector. The series is generally held on Fridays throughout the academic year from 12-1:30 pm, with alternative dates and times as necessary.

Emigrant Population as a Potential Source of Export Growth in Developing Countries

Dr. Ather Akbari
Economics professor at Saint Mary’s & Chair of Atlantic Research Group of Economics of Immigration, Aging and Diversity (ARGEIAD)

Earlier Event: February 12
Espanglish Conversation Club